[个人以保安公司名义承包工厂的保安他个人再另外招聘保安员而且]个人是不能招聘保安从事保安服务的,不签劳动合同也是违法的,劳动者要掌握到了证据,可以到公安和工商部门举报。 《保安服务管理条例》 第三章 自行招用保安员的单位 第十三条...+阅读
Dear ZhangBin:
Congratulations on your promotion to general manager. Over the years you have been working hard at the grassroots level, the work of meticulous, due diligence, with colleagues and customers have maintained a good relationship. Pay always return, I hope your future careers.
Wang Ming
1、He's going up the ladder pretty quickly. 他真是平步青云。
2、She's moving up the ranks one step at a time. 她一步步地向上爬。
3、We're transferring you to our head office. 我们要调你去公司的总部。
4、We're promoting you to a senior position effective immediately. 我们将马上给你升职。
5、We're happy you got the promotion. 很高兴你得到了提拔。
6、This career move is the right direction. 这次变动是你在事业上的一次迈进。
7、You've been a great asset to our department. 你曾是我们部门的栋梁之材。
8、Break a leg! 祝贺!
9、We hope you're successful in your new post. 我们祝你在新的岗位上成功。
10、Good luck and best wishes on your career move. 祝你新的事业一帆风顺!
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