

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请问园林设计是一门怎样的艺术学科]展开全部 景观设计师是运用专业知识及技能,从事景观规划设计、园林绿化规划建设和室外空间环境创造等方面工作的专业设计人员。 从事的主要工作包括:(1)景观规划设计;(2)园林绿化规...+阅读


Business negotiation is not only a science,but also an art to carry out business activities with the knowledge of multiple subjects。 In today's world,people no longer tend to agress on,struggle for or possess resources and wealth with iron and blood,instead they do it in the seemingly peaceful "economic way"。 The economic competition among the countries nowadays is becoming fiercer and more merciless,especially while the age of knowledge economy is in our sight。 Facing such an international circumstance and the war our age has decleared,the negotiation table is now no less than a battle field,in which people kill for interest。 Basing on all the things above,this thesis will briefly analyze the strategies and skills of business negotiation。


First, the good commercial etiquette may create the good atmosphere, pulls closer the bilateral distance. An enterprise, if can warm thorough, receive the customer appropriately naturally, thought that opposite party thought that helps opposite party to solve the difficulty, the decide doubt, respect opposite party, will make the customer to feel that you will have the sincerity, will be glad to have to do with you. Negotiates in a loose harmonious atmosphere, naturally will reduce the bilateral distance, easy to find the combining site which both sides could accept, each other to be possible to profit.

next, may portray the positive image, impels to trade successfully. In the commercial negotiations, trades both sides possibly not to understand, but individual image often is enterprise image representative. Some this kind of kind of common phenomenon: In the commercial activity, a side often through opposite party correct manners discipline measuring appliance, the speech and behavior judges opposite part





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