

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[尴尬英语怎么说]尴尬的英文:awkwardness awkwardness 读法 英 ['ɔ:kwədnəs] 美 [ˈɔkwɚdnɪs] 作名词的意思是:尴尬;笨拙;粗劣;难为情 同根词: 1、作形容词的意思是:awkward 尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手...+阅读


environment; surroundings, condition环境

It took her a while to get acclimatized to her new surroundings. 她花了一段时间才适应了新的环境。.

He was concerned with the enhancement of the human condition. 他关心人类生存环境的改善。

Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive. 离开福利机构的照顾,离开这种受保护的环境,他将难以生存下去。


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