

03月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[把这篇道歉信翻译成英文]I am sorry you do not tear Do not beg tear prevent see is mine, I am really angry tear wrong, you said that I was tired yesterday so confused I really must be c...+阅读


How to balance life and work? When work life most people like easy things, such as entertainment.While leaving in the work of the private life began to worry about tomorrow's work, I think it is very detrimental to the balance. Because you have only one time focused on one thing, then the highest efficiency.So whether it is work or life, we all need undivided attention.And then seek for the balance point between both. Therefore, I think there are two very important. One, we'd better strict work and living apart, during the work focus, the next class to relax. Two, do not delay the work, to develop a viable plan, always make sure to finish it on time. Three, appropriate to cultivate some hobbies, make your life more likely. 希望我的回答能帮助你,加油!


It's common to see nowadays there are a lot more women out there persuing jobs that they didn't have a chance before. They are as hard working and ambitious as any other man working outside. Many women in the world have made more money than other men can, because they really show their talent and skills which made them superior. It's a fair game in the 21st century, because everyone have the rights to work in any field they liked and the women really took that chance and gave it all the way. They earn decent livings to support themselves and make contributions to the world. No more of the house chores at home, it's time for women to get out there and show the world what they got. 现今可以看见到很多女强人在追求那些他们以前没有机会做的工作。 她们跟男人有一样的雄心勃勃和坚持地去工作。 世界上有许多女强人比其他人能挣更多金钱,因为她们显示了她们使她们优越的天分和技能。

在21世纪上这是公平竞赛,因为大家在所有的领域有权利做他们喜欢的工作。女强人适当利用了这个机会并且做到最好。 她们可以支费自己的生活同时做对世界有贡献的事情。 现在女强人没有在家里做家务事, 因为现在是时候让全世界好好的看看她们的能力。




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