

04月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样树立一个良好的班风和学风]原发布者:jyj197311 一、浓厚的学习兴趣是良好学风形成的前提 一个班级如果学风差,那么班上学生必定缺乏学习兴趣。 有的教师看到别的班学风良好,而本班却是一团乱麻时又生气又...+阅读


Why the First Impression Matters 第一印象为什么那么重要 The first impression is obviously the first thing that occurs in any social interaction. Do you convey confidence? Self-assurance? When people talk to you they instantlyjudge you and decide whether or not they will like you. Due to this natural inclination, you need to always leave a solid first impression because you never know what will happen—perhaps you'll make an amazing friend, or doors will open for you in the future. 无论在何种场合,第一印象都首当其冲。那你能通过第一印象传递出自信吗?其实当人们在跟你谈话的时候就会即刻判断你并决定要不要喜欢你。由于这种人类天性,你更应该制造出无懈可击的第一印象, 毕竟你不晓得它会为你带来什么---也许会让你结交一个良友,又也许幸运之门会为你敞开。 Remember that approaching random people for conversation is an amazing skill to have. Not only does it expand your social circle, it makes you more comfortable with social interaction in general. If you're able to strike up a legitimate conversation with someone you don't know, imagine how amazing you'd feel when talking to someone you're already familiar with? 能够随意地与任何人交流是一种高超的社交技能。

它不仅能扩大你的交际圈,在某种程度上还能使你在社交场合中游刃有余。要是能够轻松地和一个不相识的人搭讪,可想而知当你跟一个熟悉的人谈话时,那感觉会有多畅快。 Many times I have walked up to someone I did not know, looked them in the eye while extending my hand, and then introduced myself. You'd be surprised how receptive people are of spontaneous contact. I'd argue that every time you initiate contact with a stranger, you've made their day because they feel special, and wondered why they were the one you chose to engage. 我经常会主动跟不认识的人搭讪,握手的时候会直视对方的眼睛,接着再说明自己。你都不知道人们是有多欣然接受别人的搭讪行为。我敢说每次你主动发起一场对话后,你都在操纵着对方的一天,因为他们会感叹自己有何过人之处幸而被你选中。

They always leave thinking that they've just met a very influential person; someone fearless. 过后他们也会为认识了你这么一个自信无畏的人而感到欣慰。 Personally, I feel I do a very good job with first impressions. I chalk this up to many subtle social observations that I've tweaked over the years and still put to practice on a near-daily basis. You can learn this too, but first let's take a few things intoconsideration. 我自认为自己在制造第一印象方面还不错。多年来也深谙那些微妙的社交情形,但我仍要每天不停地练习。你当然也可以学学,但首先还是看看需要做哪些考虑吧。 When you meet someone, there are things you should always take into account, such as the context of the meeting (personal or business) and what they are doing at the moment of initiation. You should tweak your approaches based on these two things. When in a more casual and personal setting, you probably don't want to be as formal as you would with a new potential employer. Also, you never want to make someone stop everything they're doing just to speak to you if you've never met them before. It's rude, and no one likes to be interrupted. 当你与别人见面时,需要考虑几样事情,比如这个见面会的性质(于公还是于私),对方在被搭讪的同时在做什么。

基于这两方面的考量,你得灵活变更谈话方式。当处于一个较为随意的私人场合时,估计你也不希望像面对新老板那样如坐针毡。还有,对于从未谋面的人,你肯定也不希望让别人放下手头的工作来应付你。显然那很不礼貌,也没有谁愿意被你打扰。 Now that you have that down, here are some things to always put into practice when meeting someone for the first time. 深思熟虑了那两方面,接下来就是训练第一次见面的表现的时候了。 Body Language 肢体语言 One of the most overlooked aspects of social interaction is non-verbal communication. Whether you realize it or not, you instantly make judgments and create pre-conceived notions about everyone you see. You can just tell if someone is confident or not by examining the way they carry themselves—whether it's the way they walk, stand, or by how open their body language is. Knowing this, let's use this to our advantage. 社交活动中最易被忽略的一点就是肢体语言。

有一个细节不知道你是否意识到了,就是你会对见到的每一个人迅速做出判断,然后得出观感。仅仅通过他人的表达方式你就可以判断他是否自信---比如看他的走路方式,站立姿势,还有肢体语言。 总结了这点,我们就可以学以致用了。 Touch 肢体接触 First thing, be comfortable with touch. Touch is powerful and even if you're not a touchy person, the first contact is still necessary. Always, always ...


How to Establish Your Prestige

Prestige and impression you leave on others are very important in social affairs. With good impression and prestige, others may consider you a very trustworthy person and would like to take your suggestions and are always ready to support you.

Then how to establish prestige and leave others good impression?

First, you need to enhance self-cultivation. Becasue the inner morality is the most important personality that determines your words and actions.

Then you need to be neatly dressed in public places. That may help you leave a good first-impression to others. And remember to always hold a smile on your face even if you are not very happy. That may help draw you closer to other people. And people may tend to tell you their stories because they believe in you.


Dress,instrument is the first to get into people's eyes,especially with people first met,because the two sides do not understand,apparel and instrumentation in people's heart holds a large quantity.Dress to all,this is the most basic requirements.As long as it is bodily form,beautiful and that suits oneself new clothes,he should be bold wearing.Dress of individual character,also can let a person convicted out your view of and personality.Dress style obsolete,the somebody else will think you are too conservative





读法:英 [ˈmɒdl] 美 [ˈmɑ:dl]



vt.& vi.做模特儿




model a ship 做船的模型、model an aeroplane 做飞机模型、design a model 设计模型











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