[求英语高手翻译下!要人工翻译!]A large number of domestic and international mark, satisfied customers will give the company revenue growth and cost savings. To customer satisfaction for servi...+阅读
2.你必须慎重考虑将来的职业是:Your be obliged to prudent think about occupation with the future:
3.妈妈为我所做的事感到骄傲是:Mother is that thing done by me feels proud
4.你最好带上钥匙以防我不在家是:You had better to have a key at hand being out to prevent from me
5.你能帮助我真的太好了是:You can help I have been very very true
6.我的手表有些毛病是:My some wrist watch trouble
急需英语翻译高手翻译一些话In 21st century, economic globalization today, the international exchanges and cooperation between the increasingly close. In such an environment, the internati...
收入证明翻译成英语!高手来!非诚勿扰!Income Certification To whom it may concern: This is to certified that xxx ,born on January 1st,1957, started working in 1978. Since the year of 2000, he has be...
英语高手翻译准确的。给你参考下,希望对你有用呵呵。Tinding the Mother(小蝌蚪找妈妈)The little tadpoles saw some ducks were playing with their mother.They remembered their mother.(小蝌蚪...
重金呈请请英语高手来翻译1. Pay no attention to the difference of Chinese-English culture and lack of thoroughly understanding to the context, and graft English onto Chinese through dir...
英语高手请进有比较急的东西需要翻译拒绝机器谢谢!1产品外产品外观区域划分定义 1。The definition of area division of extrinsic feature of the products1。The definition of region partition of the appearance of the produ...
关于成功的英语作文高手来指点关于成功的英语作文高手来指点,要一篇关于成功的英语作文:The Way to Success Everyone wants to succeed and everyone wants to be a success,and different people have di...
英语高手秒进翻译!展示下你的实力谢谢那句感激遇到你英语高手秒进翻译!展示下你的实力谢谢那句感激遇到你,软实力硬实力用英语怎么说:I couldn't tell whether it's a truth or a hallucination about the Love you say. My forgi...