

04月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com



全手工,如下,请过目: The characterization of a material may go beyond chemical analysis to include structural determination of materials,the measurement of physical properties of a material,and the measurement of physical chemistry parameters like reaction kinetics. 对物质特性描述的范围可能超出化学分析的范围。物质特性描述包括确定材料结构、测定材料物理属性及反应动力等物化参数。 Examples of such measurement are the degree to which a polymer is crystalline as opposed to amorphous,the temperature at which a material loses its water of hydration,how long it takes for antacid“Brand A”to neutralize stomach acid and how fast a pesticide degrades in sunlight. 这些测定包括:找出确定某种聚合物属于晶体还是非晶体的标准、测量某种材料失去结合水时的温度、"Brand A"(最好的)抗酸剂中和胃酸所需时间以及杀虫剂在阳光下降解的速度等。


吡咯是必要的积木建造卟啉和其他有关的自然产品,如胆汁色素。吨鉴于相当重视这一类的化合物,它毫不奇怪,许多努力,传播了几十年来,一直致力于寻找路线对吡咯圆环.2几年前。我们报告一个简单的存取取代吡咯涉及凝聚nitroolcfins(有些实在是翻译不出来)或其等值的合成(酯邻硝基醇)与稳定aisocyano anions.3我们还发现了原来的进程,减少ketoximes和中学硝基群体纳入相应的unsubstituted tmines 。在降低了系统。结合二苯基二硫化碳和三phosphrne 。是自我干燥:它从而保护高度不稳定过早亚胺水解,并允许其captur娥的各种试剂。在Y型nitroketones , cyclisation和脱水的pyrrolc发生spontaneously.4现在我们已经发现, Y型nitroketones与electronwithdrawing 组偕的硝基motety可减少formamidinesulfinic酸(也称为硫脲的SS -二氧化碳) ,以最终相应的吡咯列于下面的计划。

异丙醇载有三乙胺。一些吡咯与各种取代,因此编写高产所示的例子中收集表。一个典型的实验程序,如下:混合物的nitroketone ( Immole ) , formamidinesulfinic酸( 4mmoles )和三乙胺(一mmole )在异丙醇( 5毫升)被加热到回流下的惰性气氛中(通常为7至的IO小时; 薄层色谱监测) 。溶剂被删除的压力下减少和残留采取了一些水并用乙醚提取。乙醚层干燥( MgS04 )和集中给这些残留的净化色谱法(庚/二氯甲烷混合物)提供了相应的吡咯中的反应似乎着手通过intermediacy的肟2 ,并可能亚胺3 。如在第一个例子在表格中。我们已经获得了相应的肟只是省略三乙胺,发现其顺利了吡咯时,受到了通常的反应条件。Formamidinesulfinic酸已被用来减少芳香族硝基derivatives5 ,但似乎并没有受聘为减少脂肪硝基群体的肟(或亚胺等3 ) 。

存在一个电子基团,一个酯对我们来说,似乎是必要的,因为没有减少显着的反应发生在其缺席。 总之,我们发现了一个很简单的和温和的过程,合成吡咯。Formamidinesulfinic酸是一种廉价的还原剂中使用的染料和造纸工业,第6和出发nitroketones都是现成的迈克尔加成商用乙基nitroacetate了 适合烯酮。进一步的工作旨在探索的范围和局限性,这一过程正在进行之中。 有些单词我实在看不懂! 查字典也查不到这些! 可能是化学的专业术语吧! 我没有接触过, 只能翻译成这样了! 我能做的也就这么多了! 希望能帮助你点什么! 至少能让你看懂些什么就好!


Scale-up is defined here as a presentation of the principles of scaling up and scaling down mixing systems.Pilot planting, on the other hand, is a determination of specific experiments and data analysis so that the controlling factors in the process can be uncovered.By knowing the controlling factors, it is possible to use the proper scale-up technique.Natrually,if more than one factor is involved,a consideration of all scale-up parameters must be carried out. In contrast to these two concepts, data from a Demonstration Plant usually yields only one point,and does not usually contain any information as to what would happen above or below the mixing conditions actually studied.扩大的定义是在这里作为一个说明的原则扩大和缩小的混合系统。试验种植,另一方面,是一个具体的测定实验和数据分析,控制因素的过程中可以发现。通过了解控制因素,它可能是使用适当的放大技术。

自然地,如果有一个以上的因素参与,考虑所有参数必须进行放大。对比两者的概念,数据从一个示范厂通常只产生一个点,与通常不包含任何信息会发生什么的上面或下面的混合条件实际研究。The first approach to scale-up was to use geometric similarity and dimensionless groups. There are 3 types of similarity-geometric, dynamic and kinematic. By working with dynamic similarity there are four groups of forces that are important shown in Table 21.1. There are the inertia force from the mixer and the fluid forces of viscosity, surface tension and gravity. It is impossible to keep the ratio of each the of the individual fluid forces constant in scale-up with the same liquid, which is normally a pilot plant requirement. Therefore, we must pick and choose the ones that are important.第一种方法是利用几何相似放大和无量纲组。

有3种类型的similarity-geometric,动力学和运动学。通过与动态相似性有四个群体的力量,是重要的,见表21.1。有惯性力从混频器和力量的流体的粘度,表面张力和重力。这是不可能的比率保持每一个个别流体的力量不断扩大的液体,通常是一个试验工厂的要求。因此,我们必须选择,选择那些是重要的。There have been some outstanding examples of scale-up solutions by means of these dimensionless groups. For example, in the power consumption of mixers the ratio of the inertia force of the mixer divided by the acceleration of the fluid correlates very well with the Reynolds number (which is the ratio inertia force in the mixer to wiscous forces in the fluid), In theat transfer, the correlation Nusselt as a function of the Reynolds number is another outstanding example. However, the dimensionless process group normally has a process result divided ty some kind of system conductivity or some quantity related to the ease of carrying out the process result. It is not possible to write dmensionless group around very many mixing applications. This technique has limited usefulness in everyday operation.有一些突出的例子放大的解决方案的手段,这些无量纲组。

例如,在电力消费混合器比惯性力的混频器除以加速流体的相关性很好的雷诺兹数(这是比惯性力在搅拌机wiscous部队在流体),小麦转移,相关的努塞尔作为一个功能的雷诺兹数另一个突出的例子。然而,无量纲处理组通常有一个过程的结果分青衣某种系统电导率或一些相关的量便于执行过程的结果。这是不可能写dmensionless群周围很多混合应用。这种技术的作用有限,在日常操作。Another technique is to obtain one data point at least on some particular scale for the process under consideration. Then everything else can be rationed to that data point. Table 21.2 indictes how some of the ratios involved in mixing systems change on scale-up. As can be seen, it is normally not possible with geometric similarity to maintain the ratio of all the individual mixing parameters constant in scale-up. In fact, gemotric similarity is nothing more than similarity of gemometry, and does not insure the similarity of any other fluid property in the system. It is normally necessary to get some idea of which factors are controlling so that proper scale-up estimation can be made. Some example have been cited preciously. Particularly in the case of fermentation scale-up and the case of a gas-liquid-solid reaction.另一种方法是获得一个数据点至少在某些特定规模的过程中考虑下。

然后一切可以定量数据点。表21.2indictes如何某些比率参与混合系统变化对放大。可以看出,它通常是不可能与几何相似的比值保持所有个人混合参数不断扩大。事实上,几何相似,只不过是gemometry相似,并没有投保的相似的任何其他流体性质的系统。它通常是必要的,以了解哪些因素的控制,适当的规模估计可制成。一些例子被引用的珍贵。特别是在案件发酵放大的情况及气-液-固反应。有些细节可能翻译得不是很好 还有问题请追问..


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