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[丁磊的第一桶金]励志人物:丁磊的第一桶金 丁磊 年龄:38岁 创业时间:1997年创立网易 第一桶金:电子邮件系统 动作可以慢,但战略一定要正确,看准了再跟上去。 丁磊:免费邮件的奇迹 163点是丁磊在网易...+阅读


1) appetizer。 Western's first course is the first disc, also known as appetizer。 Generally content appetizer plate of cold and hot appetizers first divided the common varieties of caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken cakes boxes, baked snails。 Because it is to be an appetizer, so appetizers are generally characteristic flavor, taste for salt and acid-based, and a small number of high quality。 2) soup。 And Chinese food is different, Western's second course is Tom。 Western soup can be divided into broth, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 class。 Varieties of oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, American clam soup, Italian style vegetable soup, Russian type borsch, baked French onion soup。 Less varieties of cold soup, cold soup virtuous, Russian type of cold soup。 3) Vice dishes。 Fish dishes generally as Western's third dish, also known as the Deputy dishes。

Species include a variety of light, sea fish, shellfish and molluscs class。 Usually aquatic dishes with eggs, bakery, cake boxes are known as the Vice food dishes goods。 Dishes such as fish meat is tender, more easily digested, so meat dishes on the front, it is called also, and meat main course dishes are different。 Western attention to using a dedicated fish sauce dishes, varieties of Tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce, hotels juice, white cream sauce, Archbishop of juice, juice and the United States sailors fish sauce。 4) the main course。 Meat, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dishes, also known as the main course。 Meat dishes of raw materials from cattle, sheep, pigs, little cowboy in various parts of the meat, the most representative is the beef or steak。 Steak Sirloin Steak can be divided into its parts (also known as sirloin steak), Philip steak, "T" type bone steak, thin steak, etc。

。 The cooking methods commonly used in baking, frying, Grilled, etc。。 Dishes with meat sauce used mainly Spanish sauce, thick sauce fine, mushroom sauce, white Nice juice。 Raw poultry dishes from chicken, duck, goose, rabbit and venison usually also classified as game birds and other dishes。 Most varieties of poultry chicken dishes, with chicken, turkey, chicken bamboo can be boiled, fried, grilled, braised, the main yellow gravy sauce, curry sauce, cream sauce。 5) vegetable dishes。 Vegetable dishes can be arranged after the meat dishes, and meat dishes can be served at the same time, it can be counted as a vegetable, or as a kind of side dishes。 Vegetable dishes in the Western called salad。 Salad and main course at the same time service, known as raw vegetables salad, usually with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, asparagus and other produce。 The main sauce salad with vinegar sauce, France juice, dry island sauce, cheese salad sauce。

In addition to vegetables and salad, there is a class of fish, meat, egg production, these salads are generally not added Wei Zhi, the order in the meal can be used as appetizers。 Some vegetables are cooked, such as broccoli, cooked spinach, fries。 Cooked vegetables and main course is usually meat placed in the tray with the dishes in the table, known as side dishes。 6) desserts。 Western desserts are eaten after the main course can be counted as the sixth dish。 The true sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese and fruit。 7) coffee, tea。 The last one is the Western drinks, coffee or tea。 Sugar and coffee are generally light cream。 Generally increase peach tea tablets and sugar。


1、到工商行政管理部门申请办理营业执照由于经营主体有个体户和私营企业之分,所以登记手续也稍有不同。 个体户开业登记 个体户开业登记的一般程序为:申请、受理、审批、发执照。首先,申请人持文件、证明向户籍所在地或经营场所所在地的工商行政管理部门提出申请,并提交申请书和下列证明:经营者身份证明、经营场所证明、上岗证等。

经工商行政管理部门的初步审查,对符合规定的予以受理。当全部审批结束后,申请人缴纳一定的登记费用,工商行政管理部门即向申请人颁发营业执照。 私营企业开业登记 私营企业是指生产资料和企业资产属于私人所有的营利性经济组织。一般分为有限责任公司、独资企业和合伙企业三种形式。私营企业开业登记,是指私营企业筹备工作就绪后,依照国家法律、法规向登记主管机关申请在某一行业从事生产、经营活动,办理正式的营业登记。

其开业登记程序为:先在工商行政管理机关咨询,就人员、经营范围、登记主管机关等取得初步意见。再领取、填写企业名称预先核准书,办理企业名称预先核准手续。其次,向登记主管机关提交股东身份证明、委托书等必需的文件、证明。登记主管机关受理后进行审查、核准,10日内作出核准或驳回的决定。 因为私营企业开业登记手续较为繁杂,故应提交的文件也比较多。




没有领发居民身份证的农村村民应提交户籍证明。 3)场地使用证明包括:自有私房应提交房产证明;租用房屋、场地应提交房屋场地租赁合同、有关房地产证明及管理部门许可使用证明;使用土地应提交土地管理部门的批准文件。






2、到银行开户 经营者将所拥有的资金存进自己选定的银行并开设银行帐户。

3、办理《法人代码证书 根据现代化管理的需要和保护企业法人的权力不受侵犯,经营者还需到当地技术监督部门或有关部门办理《法人代码证书》。申领组织机构代码证书时,企业须提交由工商部门颁发的营业热照,携带单位公章、法人代表(负责人)和经办人的身份证、上一级主管部门的代码证或复印件









7、申请开业登记表 办完以上手续后,标志着一家企业所需的各职能部门的批准已完成,即可到所在区的工商行政管理局办理《个体工商户申请企业登记表》,准备择日开业。


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