

05月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急英语作文谈谈你对父母溺爱孩子的看法]The problem of spoiling children has been common these days. With the development of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and better. A...+阅读

求一篇英语作文内容是写一封信表达你对课外辅导班的看法 80字左

I agree students should take after-school classes.I think after-school classes can help children get into a good university.after-school classes are important for kids' future. Parents also want their children to be successful. It's good for children to start leaning from a young age. i believe it is better if students take after-school classes.


In order to know what the students' ideas are to the question of making-up lessons during weekends(holiday), a certain students' union did investigations on it. 为了了解(调查)学生对周末(假期)补课的看法,某校学生会做了次调查。 Finally it got the following results. Some students go along with the measure. They think the measure have some good points. For example, the measure can be give less time to play for students, and let students to review knowledge that can help them give more grades. But the measure will make teachers feel tired. 最后得出如下结果。一部分学生同意这项举措。他们认为此举是有一定道理的。比如,补课可以让学生不再贪玩,并且让学生们复习已有知识点,这样可以帮助他们取得更好的成绩。但是补课会让老师觉得已经尽力而为了。 However, other students don't go along with the measure. They think the measure is only a tactical fatigue which goes against allocation of time and will wasted time. They also think it will add to the burden and it is bad for development of the personality of students. 然而,另有一部分学生则不同意补课。



Oriental Hawaii, said the Hainan Island, is located in the south of China, no warm in winter; there are the beautiful beach, the coconut grove in the eastern suburbs, Yalong Bay tropical scenery, is the tourist resort. Where you can taste tropical fruits and seafood. Each year in the end of April, you can see the coconut festival in the beginning of March, you can also see the Dragon Boat Race in Sanya


Have participated in new starting point , have arrived at much knowledge in this our learning, we have contacted more people , the summer holidays life giving way to us has had meaning more. We can improve academic record not only in this , we have also known more teachers. New starting point teacher, is very fervent very affable. Especially geographical feature , the knowledge forgotting previously look for mainly all having returned,the mathematics is also. Have learned a close to monthly grammar, I think that this aspect ought to be close friends ratio the previously in grammar. New starting point interesting but had unforgettable summer holidays by me after one.



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