[成语玩命猜一只狐狸抱着兔子哭]【题目】:一只狐狸抱着兔子哭 【正确答案】:兔死狐悲 【拼音】: t sǐ h bēi 【解释】: 兔子死了,狐狸感到悲伤。比喻因同类的死亡而感到悲伤。 【出处】: 《宋史李全传》:狐死兔...+阅读
the flames of war raging across the length and breadth of the region;flames of battle raging everywhere;[电影]The Story of the Flaming Years;
Canadian rotarian specialist helps rebuild institute in war-torn kosovo.
Autumn fair one day, no driving, rather flames incessantly, a string of owners row booth farce.
Right now a small battle-ready force, raised by the un itself and not by any western or neighbouring government, is exactly what is needed in war-torn somalia ( see article).
Tens of thousands of foreigners are being evacuated, mainly by boat; just as many lebanese, especially better-off middleclass ones, he gone by land to syria next door, along with gulf arab tourists who had e to get away from the broiling heat back home.
成语玩命猜唐僧头顶一把火【题目】:唐僧头顶一把火 【正确答案】:火冒三丈 【拼音】:huǒ mo sān zhng 【解释】:冒:往上升。形容愤怒到极点。 【出自】:陶菊隐《筹安会六君子传》:章太炎以自己惨淡经营《...