
Would you like什么意思

08月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[雅思口语part2题目 describe a course of subject you would like to take]The most interesting course for me is broadcasting. I'm major in Journalism so i prefer doing some manual courses like broadcasting. Actually, broadcasting is a...+阅读

Would you like什么意思



Would you you like China 你觉得中国好吗

Would you like to 你愿意 ; 想呀想 ; 你要来吗 ; 您想

Would you like me 你会喜欢我



would(Britain):[wud] would(US):[wud],在陈述语气中,表示过去将来时,表示有意识的行动或意志,常用于间接引语中)将;要;偏要;愿;

(would like to do sth) 想做某事



例:They said it would be fine.听说天气会很好。(it will be fine的过去式)

例:I said I would do my best. 我表示过要尽最大的努力。


例:he said he would not be free that night. 他说他那天晚上没有空。


例:sometimes I would come home late. 有时我总是迟回家。

4. 老是。(对总发生的事情,或一向的行为表示“不耐烦”的情绪。)

例:That's exactly like Jocelyn—she would lose the key! 贾诗琳总是那样,老把钥匙弄丢!


例:he would notgive the names of his partners. 他拒绝讲出他的伙伴们的名字。

6. would better (美好) 最好...

7. would rather 宁愿(表选择)

例:—Which would you rather do, go to the cinema or stay at home? 你要看电影,还是呆在家里?

—I'd rather not say what I think. 我还是不说的好。

8. would that 要是...该多好

例:Would that we had seen her before she died. 要是她去世之前,能见到她一面该多好。

9. would you (表请 )请

例:I'dlike some juice. 我想要一些果汁

参考资料:would 百科

would you like是什么意思

wouldyoulike是一种固定短语的搭配,口气极为委婉。例如你到饭店里去,服务生会问你:“Wouldyoulikeacupofcoffee(你想喝一杯咖啡吗?)”或者“Whatwouldyoulike(你想点些什么)?”回答wouldyoulike也需用固定短语:Iwouldlike,比如说:“Iwouldlikeacupofcoffee(我想要一杯咖啡)。”对于“wouldhelike"的用法是有的,但是这个问题是问“他”而不是直接问回答者(也就是你),所以没有必要用非常客气的语气,所以这个短语并不被经常使用。当然,"wouldhelike"这个短语在形势和语法上都没有任何错误。would like意为想要,语气非常委婉。具体用法如下:后接名词或代词,表示具体要某样东西。如:I'd like two cups of coffe. 我要两杯咖啡。后接动词不定式,表示意愿,喜爱,常用于有礼貌地 提出邀请、请或建议。

如:I would like to help you. 我愿意帮忙。would like sb. to do sth. 表示想要某人做某事。如:I'd like you to meet them. 我想要你见见他们。当主语是第一人称时,would 可换成should,like也可换成love。如:I should like the coat. 我想要这件大衣。Would you like...?你们想要吗?表示向对方提出客气的、有礼貌的请、邀请、希望、或询问。如:Would you like to have an apple?你想吃个苹果吗?...

关于Would you like的用法

下面是Would you like...的几种主要用法:

1、Would you like后面接名词 :

(1)Would you like a glass of water?你想喝杯水吗?

(2)Would you like some apples?你想要(吃)苹果吗?

2、Would you like后面接动词不定式 :

(1)Would you like to play with me?你愿意和我一起玩吗?

(2)Would you like to have a rest?你要休息一下吗?

3、Would you like后接名词或代词+动词不定式

(1)Would you like me to call a taxi我去叫一部出租车来怎么样?

(2)Would you like my father to teach you english?你想叫我爸爸教你英语吗? Would you like...是一个语气婉转的习惯用语,常常用来询问某人现在的意志和愿望,意为“愿意”、“想要”和Do you want...用法相同,但较之委婉、礼貌。在说英语的国家里,Would you like...更常用,其肯定回答是:“Yes,please.”若是否定回答,可说 ::“No,thanks.” 扩展资料: would的用法

1、礼貌的请或建议 Would you help me?你可以帮我吗? Would you explain this to me?这个你可以给我讲一下吗?

2、Will的过去式表示“将要” What did you do every morning in US?在美国,你每天早上做什么? would wake up at 6:00 AM,and then I would have breakfast.我会在6点起床,然后去吃早餐

3、表示猜想,想象。这种猜想目前很难实现,常用在if引导的句子里。 if...,I would...如果怎样,我会怎样 If I were president,I would change the education system.我如果我是总统,我会改变教育体系 If I were rich,I would buy a house.如果我有钱,我会买一栋房子 If I had time,I would help you.如果我有时间,我会帮你...


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