

08月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大地沟泥石流预警应急预案]一、加强组织领导 1、成立大地沟泥石流防灾避险指挥部。为了便于工作和统一指挥,按照“政府负责,站点预警,以点带面,群测群防”的工作方针和以“防避为主,加强监测,站点结合,确保重...+阅读


水洞沟是中国最早发掘的旧石器时代文化遗址,被誉为“中国史前考古的发祥地”、“中西方文化交流的历史见证”,被国家列为“最具中华文明意义的百项考古发现”之一。是全国重点文物保护单位,国家4A级旅游景区,国家地质公园。荣获“中国最值得外国人去的50个地方”银奖。 独特的雅丹地貌,鬼斧神工地造就了魔鬼城、旋风洞、卧驼岭、摩天崖、断云谷、怪柳沟等二十多处奇绝景观,记录了三万年来人类生生不息的活动轨迹,使这里充满了玄远、雄浑的旷古神韵。由“横城大边”、烽燧墩台、城障堡寨、藏兵洞窟等构成的古代长城立体军事防御体系,成为中国唯一保存最完整的军事防御建筑大观园。游史前遗址,阅长城水岸,穿土林峡谷,览边塞古堡,看藏兵洞窟。

中外游客向往的旅游胜地一一水洞沟! Shuidonggou, as one of the earliest Palaeolithic excavations of cultural sites of China, is acclaimed as "The Birthplace of China's Prehistoric Archeology," "Historical Evidence of Cultural Exchanges between East and West," and was listed as "one of the most significant archaeological discoveries among the 100 Chinese civilization sites". The site is also known as one of the national key cultural relics protection units, national 4A-level scenic spot, national geological park and awarded Silver Prize as one of the 50 places well worth visiting by foreign tourists. More than 20 spectacles of enormous magnificence that include Ghost Town, Cyclone Cave, Lying Camel Ridge, Ferris Cliff, Cloud-broken Valley and strange willow Gully was created by the unique Yadan-landform and uncanny workmanship that record the life and growth of human being continued endlessly, making the land mysterious and vigorous. The three-dimensional composition of the ancient Great Wall military defense system, composed of "Cross-City Edge," beacon smoke stations, city barriers and camps, as well as the Ancient-Troop Hiding Cave contribute the place a kaleidoscope of military defensive architectures best preserved in China. Viewing the prehistoric sites, sightseeing Great Wall Waterfront, passing through earth forest gorge, touring frontier fortress castles and visiting Ancient-Troop Hiding Cave, the Chinese and foreign tourists are always yearning for the tourist attraction – Shuidonggou.


宁夏水洞沟遗址旅游区位于宁夏灵武市临河镇,是中国最早发掘的旧石器时代文化遗址,被誉为“中国史前考古的发祥地”、“中西方文化交流的历史见证”。是全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级旅游景区,国家地质公园。被国家列为全国文物保护的100处大遗址之一、“最具中华文明意义的百项考古发现”之一。荣获“中国最值得外国人去的50个地方”银奖。 水洞沟地处鄂尔多斯台地南缘,大自然造就的雅丹地貌,使这里充满了雄浑、奇特的荒谷神韵,经历了千万年的风沙雕蚀,这里集中了魔鬼城、卧驼岭、摩天崖、断云谷、柽柳沟等二十多处土林奇绝景观,使人望而生奇,大有地老天荒、旷古玄远之叹。 门票60元,同程门票价50元,学生价36元。(A.免费政策:儿童1.2米以下免票;70岁以上老人持老人证免门票,B.优惠政策:60-69岁老人持老年证、军官、残疾人持相关有效证件36元)...


last sunday, I and LiHua went to ZhenFoShan by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. LiHua said to me,“ linda,don't do anything halfway”. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.


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