

08月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语的购物对话]---Can I help you ? ----Yes,please.I want to buy some peaches. ----How about these?They are fresh and just newly arrived today. -----Mm,they look good.How much...+阅读


Sample Speech 样例 Mr. Mckenzie, Ms. Lloyd, let me take you to our showroom. I think you'll be interested in seeing some of our latest innovations in microwave ovens. (leading the way to the showroom) This is Action's pride and joy, the Kitchen Master. It's only a prototype but it's a prime example of our future line of smart products. We are all very excited about this oven. In trial runs, this product has performed very well. Its main design, and a key selling point, is the "Correct Cook" option, which uses a sensor to see if the dish has been properly cooked through and through. Basically, "Correct Cook" makes it virtually impossible to over or under cook food. You won't find this feature in any other microwaves. You must admit this type of feature will appeal to the many microwave users in the West. We at Action are convinced that smart products like the Kitchen Master are the wave of the future. 演说词 Mckenzie 先生、Lloyd小姐,让我带二位到我们的展示室参观。我想你们一定很想看看本公司最新型的微波炉。

(一面说着,一面带路往展示室走)这是"大厨师",本公司引以为傲的产品。您现在所看到的只是个初步的样品,但它代表我们未来智慧型产品线的主力。公司全体对这个微波炉都感到十分兴奋,在试用的时候,它表现得无懈可击。 这项产品设计上的主要特色和卖点,是在它的"真会煮"装置;里面装有一个感应器,可探察食物究竟熟了没有。所以基本上,有了"真会煮"设计后,就不可能有食物煮得太烂或半生不熟的机会发生;这项特点是其他微波炉所没有的。 两位得承认,这项特以对西方惯用微波炉的使用者,很具吸引力。Action公司也深信,像"大厨师"这种智慧型的产品,将会是未来的潮流趋势。 结构 在非正式的场合说明产品时,态度不宜过分积极,因为这样反而会给人压迫感。应该抓住该项产品最出色的特性,强调它能提供使用者的益处,就能令参观者留下深刻印象。 ① 以礼貌的语气邀请对方参观产品展示室。 ↓ ② 提出产品的优缺点,可同时说明改良的经过。 ↓ ③ 强调产品最主要的特性,以及该特性带给使用者的好处。 ↓ ④ 以婉转而具说服力的语句重申该项产品将带来的利益。 段落关键句 1.提议看产品 与客户讨论告一段落后,可转移话题,提议另一件事:新产品。用语以"Let me…", "How about"或 "If…, I'd like to…" 表示礼貌性的建议。

(1) Mr. Mckenzie, let me take you to our showroom. (2) How about taking a look at out latest products in our showroom? (3) If you have time, I'd like to take you to our showroom.(这句比原句要客气,因为说话者先询问了对方时间上是否方便。) 2. 产品优缺点 在参观者看到产品之前,宜先说明该产品目前的状况。所使用的句子,前半部可先说稍有疑虑的一面(例如它只是个初步的样品,尚未正式生产),接着再强调好的一面。主要句型的结构是 "It's only…, but it's …"

(1) It's only a prototype, but it's a prime example of our future line of smart products. (2) This oven is just an example, but it's going to be our future line of smart products. (3) This model hasn't been marketed yet, but we know it's going to be a top-seller.("top-seller",非常畅销的产品或品牌。) 3.强调特性 强调该产品最特出的功能,较易让听者留下深刻的印象。可运用的关键字 有: "basically"(基本上)和 "essentially"(实质上),都是加重语气的词汇。

(1) Basically, "Correct Cook" makes it virtually impossible to over under cook food. (2) Essentially, "Correct Cook" is mistake-proof.("mistake-proof",不会出错的。)

(3) The bottom line here is that "Correct Cook" is mistake-proof.( "the bottom line",最重要的结论。) 4. 吸引客户 此段应直接指出这项产品的功能,因为这对将来要销售这项产品的两位客 户,是最具说服力的。句型用 "You must admit…",不但加强说服力,而且让对方难以反驳。

(1) You must admit this type of feature will appeal to the many microwave users in the West. (2) You have to agree that this feature will appeal to the many users of microwaves in the West. (3) I think you have to acknowledge that this feature will appeal to the many users of microwaves in the West.("acknowledge",承认。) 短语解析 pride and joy 最让人引以为傲的人(事或物) 例:My department's pride and joy has to be its latest award for productivity and efficiency.(我的部门最令人感到骄傲的,就是最近获得了生产效率优秀奖。) 1. smart product 智慧型产品 例:Germany is leading the way in producing and marketing smart products.(德国在制造与行销智慧型产品方面,居领导地位。) 2. trial run (新产品的)试用;测试 例:We were very disappointed with the results from the new car's first trial run.(这辆车在首度试开之后,让我们非常失望。) 3. selling point 卖点 例:But, sir, I cannot sell a product that has no obvious selling points. That's ...



Tanya: Good morning, Carla. How are you today?


Carla: I'm doing fine. How about you?


Tanya: Great, thanks. So, what's the status of our advertising campaign?


Carla: As I mentioned before, a national campaign will start next month. We've decided to use a variety of media for full coverage. First, we'll have 30-second spots on television once a day for 3 weeks. At the same time, we'll do 15-second radio commercials 3 times a day in selected cities with large populations. Finally, we'll have some outdoor ads using billboards near the main entrances to big cities.


Tanya: What style will the ads be?


Carla: We're focusing on slice of life, showing how you can beat the summer heat by biting into a cool ice-cream sandwich. We'll also show everyone there are variety of flavors and they're not stuck with just vanilla.


Tanya: Sounds like an ideal approach. Will we have a new slogan?


Carla: Definitely. The advertising agency's working on that right now. They'll have some proposals ready by the end of the week.


Tanya: Sounds like we'll have a winner on our hands!




Seller: Hello, how may I help you?


Buyer: Hi, I'm looking for a pair of men's shoes for my husband.


Seller: What do you think of this pair? I have these in brown too, would you like to have a look?

卖者:您觉得这双怎么样? 这双我也有咖啡色的。

Buyer: Are they real cowhide?


Seller: Yes, they are 100% genuine cowhide. These shoes have newly arrived for the coming season.


Buyer: Could you please get me a pair of size 41 in brown please.


Seller: Of course!


Buyer: How much are they?


Seller: Well, I don't usually give discounts on newly arrived shoes, however, you seem to really like these shoes and you really want to buy them for your husband, I'll give you 10% off the original price.


Buyer: That's wonderful, thank you very much!



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