

08月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一次难忘的经历在取得成功的过程遇到了哪些困难和挫是怎样克服]生活就像一部电视剧,由无数个镜头组成。这些镜头或幸福、或悲伤、或甜蜜、或酸涩……。但是总有那么几个镜头令人过目难忘。 星期三的早晨,我刚踏进校门,就有两个同学向我挥手-...+阅读


In reality, people always face many difficulties, like how to enter a good university, how to find a good job, how to get along well with each other and how to earn more money.When people face these difficulties, some of them will face them pessimistically. They would do nothing, but complain about their fate. Although they feel sad, they still do not want to change their current situation. Relatively speaking, some of them will face them optimistically. They would make efforts to solve the difficulties, they would never give up. They believe that man can defeat any difficulties if he wants. As my view, I think that fate is under the control of our own hand. I agree with the attitude of optimistic people. I always put a famous saying into my mind, it is if you smile to the life, then the smile will return to you. I think when we face difficulties, don't complain about anything. It is not fate problem, so we should take action at once. Anyway, if we know how to adjust ourselves, how to keep a good attitude, then we will solve any difficulties. 怎么样还可以吧?


因为信的内容和语气以及各方面都和你自己写出来的大不相同,所以给你个模板参考下~~~~但愿帮得上你~~~ Dear ___________, You have asked me for my advice with regard to _______, and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here. In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions:_________________(建议的内容) I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Good Luck with your_______(祝愿) Yours sincerely ****


I'm glad to know you'll come to our school next term. I am the president of student union(学生会主席). In order to make you have a happy term here, I have some advice to you: Firstly, please say hello to your classmates and introduce yourself about your name and nationality and get on well with others. Secondly, please help others study English if it is convenient to you. Thirdly, you can take an active part in the school actions such as sports meeting or art celebration. Last but not least, if you feel puzzle to adept to the life in China, you can come and talk with me, I will do my best to help you. May you have a wonderful term in our school....



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