

10月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[要一篇成本会计信息的成本效益分析的论文谢谢!快啊!]会计论文|成本会计|成本会计信息的成本效益分析(2008-12-07 08:56:27)标签:教育 成本会计 会计论文 免费毕业论文 分类:毕业论文 企业是微观经济的主体,其财务会计的最终目标是实...+阅读


展开全部MECHANICAL PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT STADIUM 1.给排水设计 饮用水和污水 1.Sanitary Design Water and sewage water .设计基础 - 甲方提供的设计任务书和市政管网综合图 - 建筑专业提供的条件图 - 国家现行的设计规范及有关规定设计简章 .Design bases Design Brief and Municipal integrated network drawing offered by the client. Condition drawings from architectural discipline. Current national design codes and related stipulations 2. 给水系统 通过一根DN200的进水管将水引入.水表安装在进水管上,离红线1米处.供水管在红线内连成环路管网,并接到供应楼的消防水池和给排水水池.由环路管网向必需的室外消火栓和绿化带的喷淋器供水. 2. Water supply system For water supply of this project, DN200 water intake pipes are led in. Water meters are installed on the intake pipes 1.0 m away from the red line. The water supply pipes are connected into loop networks in the red line and then led to the fire pool and sanitary water pool in the supply buildings respectively. Necessary number of outdoor hydrants and sprinklers for green area will be provided on the loop networks. 设计范围 包括红线内的饮用水,污水,雨水,建筑消防. Design scope Design scope of this project includes water, sewage water, rainwater, fire-protection in the building, and water and sewage water within the red line. 给排水水池与消防水池分开,容量为100m3 .体操馆供水管埋地敷设. Sanitary water pool is separated from fire water pool, volume of sanitary water pool is 100m3. Water supply pipes for the stadium will be laid in the earth. 3.用水量标准 - 体育馆: 15升/顾客·日 K=2.0 - 宾馆: 150升/人·日 K=2.0 - 餐厅: 50升/顾客·日 K=2.0 - 工作人员: 25升/人·日 K=2.0 - 地面冲洗用水: 3升/m2日 - 冷却塔补水量:按用水量的2%计 - 未预见水量: 按日用水量20%计 - 消防用水: 消火栓:室内40升/秒,室外30升/秒,火灾延续时间为3小时; 自动喷洒按22升/秒,火灾延续时间为1小时 卷帘水幕用水0.5升/秒·米,火灾延续时间为3小时; Water consumption standard - Stadium: 15L/visitor·day K=2.0 - Hotel: 150L/visitor·day K=2.0 - Restaurant: 50L/customer·day K=2.0 - Staff 25L/person·day K=2.0 - Floor cleaning: 3L/m2·day Make-up water for cooling tower: 2% of the actual cold water consumption. Unforeseen water consumption: 20% of the daily water consumption. Water for fire protection Hydrant: 40L/s indoor, 30L/s outdoor, fire duration time is 3h; Sprinkler: 22L/s, fire duration time is 1h; Drencher for rolling shutter: 0.5L/s·m, fire duration time is 3h; 在适当的位置设置饮用水机,在主进口为残障人设置两个饮用水机.为此饮用水系统安装循环泵.机房 设在地下室的水除了机房.当饮用水机不被使用时,应排空,以免水质腐败. 在客房和餐厅内设置电热水器,同时亦为热水供应设置循环泵. 在更衣间旁设置电热水器,为淋浴和洗盥供应热水. 为楼板清洁安装一定数量的水龙头. Some suitable places are supplied with portable water drinking units, two drinking units for disable people are provided at main entrances, for this portable water system, circulating pumps are adopted, the equipment room is located in water treatment center in the basement. When there is no use, portable water will be drained completely to avoid deterioration. Electric water heaters are installed in guest rooms and restaurant, also hot water circulating pumps will be provided for supplying hot water. Electric water heaters are installed near the changing and clothing rooms for supplying hot water for shower and washing. Certain number of water taps are installed for floor-cleaning. 4.用水量 最大日用水量:2.200m3/日 最大时用水量:220m3/时 Water consumption demand Maximum daily water consumption: 2.200m3/day Maximum hourly water consumption: 220m3/hour 却循环系统 冷却水循环系统采用机械循环系统.总冷却水用量为460m3/h.在供应楼顶设置三台超低噪音冷却塔(230 m3/h, 2x 115 m3/h).进水温度37Co,出水温度32Co .补充水量 9,6 m3/h.补充水由市政供水网直接提供. Cooling water circulation system There are cooling water circulation system in this project, cooling water for the refrigerators adopts mechanical circulation system. Total water consumption of cooling towers is 460m3/h. On roof of the supply building there are 3 ultra-low noise cooling towers (230 m3/h, 2x 115 m3/h), inlet temperature of 37Co, outlet temperature of 32Co, with make-up water of 9,6 m3/h. Make-up water of the cooling towers will be supplied directly by the municipal network. 在消防泵房内有消火栓泵





摘要:随着生活水平的提高,人们对住宅的设备给予了越来越多的关注。给排水系统作为住宅设备的重要组成部分,其系统设计是否合理,对今后住户的装修、日常使用与维护将产生重要影响。文章结合工程实例,对住宅建筑给排水设计进行了分析,并提出了给排水设计中需要注意的问题。关键词:住宅建筑给排水设计Abstract: with the improvement of living standards, people on residential equipment given more and more attention. Water supply and drainage system as the residence of the equipment is an important component of the system design is reasonable and the future of the household decoration, for daily use and maintenance will have an important impact on. Combining with a project example, the residential building water supply and drainage design are analyzed, water supply and drainage design problems needing attention.Keywords: residential building water supply and drainage design中图分类号: TE45 文献标识码:A文章编号:1给排水设计分析对于给水排水专业人员来说,在住宅给排水建设中应充分贯彻“以人为本”的方针,根据我国国情,因地制宜,满足居民对住房设备的要。












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