

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[组织部门干部监督工作答疑]组织部门干部监督工作答疑 问:组织部门干部监督工作包括哪些内容? 答:组织部门干部监督工作,既包括对领导班子和领导干部的监督,又包括对干部选拔任用工作的监督。 问:组织部门对...+阅读

when we talk the selection of universities , the first thing we always think about is what can your parents do for you after you graduate from the university you chose , so this kind of question usually boring us a lot , and the more earthy question is the school we chose will not be we preferred . in my opinion , chosing a favorite is more important than one you dislike . what your goal is makes you will be in the future . what is a university for ? a job ? or a dream you want to fulfil . there were so many people they lost their dreams when they gave up the things they were chasing ! do not make yourself repentent .


主观题应如何作答所谓主观性试题是指答案不完全固定,要求考生自己组织材料,回答问 题,故也称“发挥性题目”。这类试题比客观性试题更能体现个人的具体情况 (如对知识掌握及对知识理解的深度和广...
