

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[这十句英语句子怎么翻译中文呢]1.在洛杉矶,广播电台多年来一直发动了听众的忠诚度持续和昂贵的战斗。 2.搜索在机场行李现在在世界上大多数国家的标准做法 3. 在附近的孩子们拿起公园的垃圾每到周末,他们有...+阅读

给你中英文对照的吧:Chang Kong Cliff Road is an extremely narrow and treacherous walkway along cliffs built on Huashan mountain, a scenic mountain in China's Shaanxi Province.长空栈道是建在陕西的风景名山-华山的峭壁上的极其狭窄且危险的栈道。The precipitous Chang Kong Cliff Road on Huashan mountain was built more than 700 years ago by hermits seeking 'immortals' they thought were living deep in the mountains.华山上陡峭的长空栈道于700年前建成,这本是那时的隐士为了找住在深山里的“长生不死”之人而建。The walkway is only a foot width wide and has been built clinging to the absolutely vertical cliff. One misstep would send pilgrims plunging thousands of feet down into the valley.栈道只有一英尺宽,而且建得依附在绝对垂直的峭壁上。不慎失足便会让那些行者落入千丈深渊中。These days, anyone brave enough to navigate the path does have to wear a special safety harness.近来,够胆之人想要通过这条栈道,必须戴着特殊的安全带。...


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