

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[新劳动法规定的年假怎么计算请高手解答]首先得弄清楚你们单位是以事实周年还是日历周年给每个员工计算年休假的,从你说的休假时限可以推测是日历周年,如果是这样的话: 从2009年10月16日到2009年12月31日,你不到一年工...+阅读

there is no doubt that the income gab has already been a commom phenomenon across the nation, which means the income of the same person at different position or works in different area may varies greatly ,resulting in a heated discussision.

like everthing prior to such a special case,different people held different opinion .those who are in favor of it think it an resonable thing which we will encourage us to behave better and contribute greatly to the instruction of our great nation.however ,there are still others think it a bad measure ,they argu ,which will do great harm to the cohesion

of our society .

as for me ,I think that we should stay cool faced with such an situation,while we are advocating the rapid development of our country , we should tolerate the narrow income gap but narrow the wide one.


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