

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美国餐桌礼仪英语小作文]This is one widely accepted way to place your silverware so that the waiter knows you are finished. It is polite to wait until everyone is served to start eatin...+阅读

1、 In china, it is a tradition for our Chinese people to eat with chopsticks. Each of persons in the dinner table would have a pair of chopsticks, and there is also an extra one that is for public use.

2、When people are eating, it is very impolite to eat with a loud sound. And to speak while food is still in the mouth is not allowed in China as well.

3、Another thing should remember when a foreigner visits Chinese families is that they should let the older ones in the family to eat first, if the elder ones do not start, everyone else should not start either.

4、Do not eat only one dish even if that is your favorite one, you should eat other dishes too. To eat merely one dish all the times is another bad habit in Chinese eyes.

5、When Chinese people say: “ I put a little bit more sugar in this fish, I hope you do not mind” generally speaking, it is a typical saying which can indicate one of our Chinese characters-----humble. Thus, you must not take it serious and must not say:“yeah, so it is, but I do not mind.” You should say “does it? I do not think so, it is the best flavor that I have never tasted before.”


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