[中国婚礼英语急!](英文的你自己翻译) 中式婚礼过程仪式 现在有创意的西式婚礼越来越多,今天发一个传统中式婚礼的仪式过程. 以下为中式婚礼大致仪式过程以及主持人主持中式婚礼的台词: “人生四...+阅读
eing polite is a good tradition in our country.Nobody likes a
person who is impolite.It 's important for us to be polite.We should be a
polite student.
As a polite student,we shouldn't talk at class.If we
have questions,we should put up our hands.We also shouldn't speak
loudly during the break.And I think it's impolite to be late for
class.When someone is in trouble ,we shouldn't laugh at them.We should
often say “please”,”thank you”.
急用!关于英语翻译:中国旧式婚礼中的一拜天地二拜高汤夫妻一拜天地,二拜高汤,夫妻对拜! The first kowtow is for the heaven and earth, the second for the parents and the third for each other! 西式婚礼中神甫的经典台词(就是询问...
急求中学生英语交际话题Thanks a lot " "You are welcome"! 下面我就举一个问路的例子` “Excuse me.the hospital is on you right" ",Could you tell me how I can go to the hospital?" "Go...
用英语交际策略讨论动物do you like animals? yes i like them very much whcih one do you like best ? in my opinion , i love dog,because they are honest and vividly oh i donot think so ,...
有没有速成的英语交流的方法先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议:1.收听英语气象报告 2.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 3.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 4.从电视,电影中学习英语 5.和朋友表演影...
我自考法律专业以前在其他专业已通过过英语二我能把那个专业的英一、可以转过来的。也就是说正常情况下,你英语二是不需要再考的了! 二、您是电子摄像的准考证嘛!或者说你英语二通过的那个准考证号码和你现在报考自考法律专业是不是一个准考...
中学英语教师述职报告展开全部xxx,女,19xx年x月出生。19xx年本科毕业于xxx外语系,19xx年x月走上工作岗位。任教于湖北师范学院附中。从教18年中,一直工作在教育工作的第一线;担任班主任11年。 1995年...
高中英语交际用语英语日常交际用语 1.问候 Greetings (1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好 Hello.你好(或:喂) Hi.你好(或:嗨) --How are you?你好吗 --Fine,thank you,and you...
宝宝日常社交礼仪怎么培养1,孩子见面问候礼仪! 首先,在见面前,一定要先告诉孩子“待会儿会见到什么人”、“要如何称呼”,以及“该说什么”,让他有心理准备,甚至可先练习一下。 见了面,要给孩子留时间,而不是...