
求一篇关于文明礼仪的英语作文 400字左右

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[介绍一个玩具举列子例数字作文 300字]可爱的玩具小猫 机灵的小脑瓜,胖乎乎、毛茸茸的身躯,娇小、灵活的四肢,还有那微微翘起的小尾巴,构成了你——活泼可爱的自动玩具小猫。 知道吗?使我百看不厌的是你的小脑袋。可不...+阅读

To a person, the civilized manners is a person's moral level, culture, and communication skills Of the external performance, for a society, it is a country society civilization etiquette civilization process, morality and living habits of reflection. I think the civilization etiquette is a person in society civilization accomplishment. To maintain social etiquette is human normal life and asked people to abide by the least ethics, it is common life and people in long-term mutually associates, and gradually formed by customs, habits and traditional education means such as the content of the fixed down etiquette covering all aspects of social life. Look from content have appearance, manner, expression, apparel, talked, treat people, etc.; Look from the object have individual etiquette, public etiquette, hospitality and away to etiquette, table manners and gift etiquette, civilization contact, etc. In the process of interpersonal communication behavior called etiquette, etiquette in speech action of performance called manners. Strengthen moral practice should pay attention to, so that people in the "etiquette, self-discipline, moderate worship on the principle of sincere", interpersonal, farewell not civilization words and deeds. Etiquette, etiquette and manners content rich variety, but it has its own regularity, its basic etiquette principle: one is the principle of respect for others; 2 it is the principle of self-discipline in communication, is during the process of self-denial, the prudent and active, voluntary, polite, from inside out, self control, self-examination, self requirements, self, self constraint, cannot turbulent importance, unreliable; Three are moderately principle, moderate appropriately, grasp the discretion; Four is sincere principle, sincerely, with sincerity, don't take part in accidental amusement, saying is one thing and doing another. another. In daily life, we must pay attention to the civilized terminology: honorific, respect and polite words. Such as the daily use of "please" and "thank you" and "I'm sorry", the "you" second personal character, etc. At the first meeting for "heard"; Long time no see as "stranger"; Please people criticized as "teach"; others say "disturbed" trouble; incline to convenient for "excuse me"; handle affairs for "please" alone.so to try to acquire, etc. The habit of using honorific. Now, courtesy of our advocate is ten words: "hello", "please" and "thank you" and "I'm sorry" and "goodbye". This ten words embodies the basic language speaking civilization form when talking with others. In attitude to be sincere, kind; sound size appropriate to, intonation to peaceful composed, respect others. When we speak, must look at this man to talk, don't look at the west, this is very impolite behavior In life, meeting etiquette also is very important. Shaking hands is a kind of communication thoughts, feelings, enhance friendship exchange important ways. Shake hands with others when looking at each other, smiling, regards, not absent-minded, glance left and right, do not wear a hat and gloves to shake hands with people. In normal circumstances, shake hands time shoulds not be more than 3 seconds, must stand shaking hands, to show the respect of others and politeness. Shake hands also pay attention to certain order: general exquisite "decision", namely to these ladies, elder, married people, the position after the outstretched hand, man, junior, unmarried person, the position may put out his hands to echo. If a person to shake hands with many people, so polite order is: after the first inferiors, first superiors, who after guthrie styled elders. Bow to others, is a kind of etiquette admire way. Bow must stand at attention, hat, or side has nothing to do with the bow side to say words of salute. Bow to depend on their table before the sincerity, respect. Confucius said: "don't learn ritual, without aspiration" I want and civilized manners counterparts, do civilized doas. Good juvenile tree




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