[有关于礼仪的故事吗]曾子避席 “曾子避席”出自《孝经》,是一个非常著名的故事。曾子是孔子的弟子,有一次他在孔子身边侍坐,孔子就问他:“以前的圣贤之王有至高无上的德行,精要奥妙的理论,用来教导天...+阅读
The Chinese gov has ordained that PRC citizens visiting abroad must “behave in civilized manners”. The so-called “civilized tourism” campaign plans to penalized irresponsible manners of Chinese citizens travelling abroad. Those who are proven that their behaviour during previous visits “have hurt the image of Chinese tourists” will be denied passports and/or rights to travel restrained. What the Chinese gov is ordering now is that all citizens must do their part to help keep this name. “The behaviour of some Chinese travellers is not compatible with the nation's economic strength and its growing international status,” . The order lists 6 areas that Chinese tourists must be aware of: 1. untidy, misbehaving: in summer, not wearing shirts in public; rolling up pants; squatting in hotel , taking food home from buffets; yelling; making noises in hotels; bargaining in loud voice. 2. unhygienic: spit in public; pee in public; littering; spit out chewing gums; violate health rules. 3. impolite: not listening to tour guides; taking photos where not allowed; unrespectied local habits; smoking in non-smoking areas; not sharing seats to the disable.. 4. Volate public rules: in the airport; fighti for luggage spaces when on boarding ; steal toothpastes, after-shave, tissues from toilets; take away towels, ash trays from hotels. 5. vandalizing/graffiting objects in tourist spots: standing on top of benches or picnic tables in public parks to take pictures; travellers whose trips are paid for by the state demand to visit casinos and red light districts instead of tourist spots. 6. not caring for the environment and pubic facilities: park irresponsibly - even parking on grass; plucking flowers or maple leaves from parks. I can't agree more with all these. I know people who still don't wash their hands after visiting the toilet — even they have immigrated to Canada for many years and have gone thru the terrible experience of the SARS outbreak!
ItisreportedthattouriststoChina'sGreatWallcannowleavetheirmarkonafakewallrecentlybuiltneartherealwallinBadalingiftheypay999yuan.(31words) nChina,manyvisitorshavethehobbyofcarvinggraffitionplacesofinterest,especiallyonsomefamousculturalrelics.LastyearIwenttotheGreatWallandfoundmanypeoplehadleftnamesanduglywordsontheWall,whichdestroysmanyhistoricbricks.Inmyopinion,suchpeopleshouldfeelashamedofleavingtheirmarksonthegreatrelicswhichwerecreatedbyourancestors. SopersonallyIquiteagreewiththisbrilliantprojectthoughithascausedcriticismfromsomepeople.TheGreatWallwouldberuinedonedayifwedidn'ttakeanystepstoprotectit.Thefakewallisareallygoodideabecauseitwillprotectourrelicsaswellasmakingprofitsfromtheproject.
china has 5000 years history, people called china 'a country of polite'. chinese people are always very friendly and kind, but what you should pay attention to is that chinese people also has their own ways to get on with others. when you meet a chinese, if you want to start a talking with him or her, you'd better ask like this;have you eat your meal? but not like english people:what's the weather?' you can also shake hands with chinese people when you first meet him. when you having a meal with chinese people , the most important thing you should pay attention to is do not put the chopstickes into the bowl, because chinese people don't think it's good. in china 8 and 6 are the most popular number, because they means earn money and lucky in china. china really has lots of polity cultures, they are waiting for you to find.
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求一篇关于文明礼仪的英语作文 400字左右To a person, the civilized manners is a person's moral level, culture, and communication skills Of the external performance, for a society, it is a country soci...
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