

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[保研夏令营专家的推荐信]以下是保研夏令营专家的推荐信,有需要的教师们可以参考一下! 保研夏令营专家的推荐信(1) 作为**大学**学院一名教授,本人很高兴推荐**同学参加贵所的学术夏令营及之后的推免生...+阅读







































I he been working as volunteer trainer of Career Go course for JA China over 3 years and during this time I he worked with many volunteers.

Our goal is to help university and graduate students as much as possible in their career planing and job hunting.

Twice a year, a bunch of strangers will join together to design courses and assign roles among each other.

Every course requires 5 weekends of 4 hours each, with previous preparation before each session, thus it requires serious mitment from each volunteer who has full-time job and sometime even busy weekends due to over time and business trips.

In one of the training course I got to know Qian.

Among all the volunteers I know, Qian amazed me with her charming characters, interests in many areas beyond work(like cooking and poems), her devotion to this course and her strong determination to get what she wants in life.

As there is no actual leader with formal power in this group, it requires negotiation and munication to achieve best performance.

In this volunteering activity, Qian could easily get to know people from different backgrounds and facilitated the training team in defining roles she saw most suitable for herself and others.

In such event, people may get to know each other quickly but may also lose connection after the session is over.

I am happy to see that this is not the case for her.

She not only joined every session whenever possible though she had crazy business trip schedules that time, she also helped to gather people together afterwards to join social events, so that the relationship established will keep growing.

Since the first time we volunteered together, we had worked together many times more because I do enjoy and cherish the time we had together.

As not only a partner in the training, but also as a friend of Qian, I can provide more accurate assessment because I know her also in her personal life.

Every once in a while, we would meet after work and discuss about our professional life, difficulty and learning in career and future goals while hing ice cream together.

What I appreciate most about her are: her devotion to her work and all the other things she choose to do, her persistence and her strong focus on the long-term goals.

I would say, she is an excellent municator and she is smart in dealing with work and people, but thats not the most important things to know about her.

I believe the students in the course benefited most from her attitude and strong will.

When she was on business trip, she would find time to call me and other team-mates about how to deliver the next course.

The fact that she got happily married and moved to US last year didnt change her plan to pursue MBA and go even further in her career.

I am happy with the way Qian is but if I can provide feedback for her growth, I think she can benefit by being more relax and be more open to different possibilities in life.

The girl I know is so serious in work that sometime she felt frustrated when things wasnt going well initially.

If she could be more calm and keep her professional attitude towards job, I believe she can do even better.

The girl I know is also very practical and always down to earth.

Sometimes I feel, well, if she could add a little bit of dreaming elements in her goal, who knows, with her ability and persistence, she could get it!

There is a few things I would like to add in here.

I he turned down people who asked me to write remendation letter before.

I know sometimes people do volunteering work not for the benefit of others, but for the one line they can add in their resume.

When I see someone not really passionate and work hard for the training, I will refuse to write remendation letter because I value real effort.

I believe one element which determines whether a person can be successful or not is the courage to do the things they really want to do.

What I he in mon with Qian and many Chinese girls born since 1980 is that we he parents who believe that we can be as good as or even better than boys, but our parents also he strong opinions in what should be best for us.

On one hand, we he the best education they can offer; but on the other hand, our parents will choose our major in university for us, which means they choose our future career for us too.

Qians parents decided that she should study medicine and bee researcher or professor, which she found out later isnt her passion.

Once she knew it, she ignored all the noise and went into corporate and business world.

I know how hard it is to follow your heart, as I he seen tons of young, smart and confused Chinese university or even graduate students struggling with the major they he no interested in.

I also know it from my personal experience, while my parents decided that I should be an engineer but I love literature more than anything else in the world.

It took me years of hesitation before I finally left IT department of a prestigious investment bank and that is only the beginning of willingly chosen hardship.

I am happy that Qian is going for MBA to get closer to her dream and I wish her all the best in her endeour.



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