

05月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学生感谢信大全]小学生感谢信范文【1】 尊敬的**同学学生家长: 见信好! 您的孩子,**,四年级上半学期的数学学习积极性较高,和以往二、三年级相比,有非常大的进步。 特别是在学习《角的度量》这一...+阅读



Thank God, so that I can successfully plete graduation thesis.

Looking back over two years of masters study and research work, I he been in the academic, scientific research and life has been a lot of teachers, students and friends enthusiastic help and strong support.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them!

First of all, the thesis finished today, many thanks to my supervisor Professor Zhang Yang * * and the guidance of teachers, two teachers offered me a good experimental environment, and in scientific research, ge me a lot of very useful suggestions and specific guidance, and in the writing of the thesis and the release into a lot of effort.

In addition, Yang is still living and thinking about me, take care of me.

Here, I would like to express my thanks again!

Secondly, thank you very much for the lab master help to my study and research work to give a lot of help and support in my research and writing, they ge me valuable ments and suggestions, thanks.

Again, thank you a lot of my classmates and friends +, live together and work and study in the good times, you give me sincere encouragement and selfless help is unfettable.

Finally, I want to be in life for parents and relatives years of care and spiritual support, I can grow so big, also can he the opportunity to read, even graduate, really do not know what to say to you, who grass inch heart, reported in three chunhui.

Thousands and thousands of words into a word of gratitude: hard work!


Thank God, so that I can successfully plete graduation thesis.

University graduation thesis

Again, thank you a lot of my classmates and friends +, live together and work and study in the good times, you give me sincere encouragement and selfless help is unfettable.

Finally, I want to be in life for parents and relatives years of care and spiritual support, I can grow so big, also can he the opportunity to read, even graduate, really do not know what to say to you, who grass inch heart, reported in three chunhui.

Thousands and thousands of words into a word of gratitude: hard work!


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