

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读

Memorandnm of Association of British American Tobacco p.l.c.


1.The panys Name is British American Tobacco p.l.c.

第一条 本公司名称为英美烟草公司。(译注:P.L.C 为:public limited pany公开有限公司,即股票上市公司)

2. The panys Registered Office is Globe House, 4 Temple Place, London WC2R 2PG.

第二条 公司注册登记处为Globe House, 4 Temple Place, London WC2R 2PG

3.The panys Objects are:第三条 本公司宗旨是:

(1)Without prejudice to the Objects hereinafter specified to carry On business as a General mercial pany.


(2)To carry on any other business which may seem to the pany to be capable of being conveniently or advantageously carried on in connection or conjunction with any business of the pany with a view directly or indirectly to enhancing the value of or to render profitable or more profitable any of the panys property, assets or rights or expertise.


(3)To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the business property and Liabilities of any pany, firm, person or body carrying on or proposing to carry on any business which the pany is authorized to carry on or possessed of property suitable for the purposes of the pany.


(4)To purchase or otherwise acquire, take on lease or in exchange, let or hire any real or personal property or assets or any rights or privileges which the pany may think necessary or convenient or capable of being profitably dealt with in such manner as may be thought fit.

(5)To amalgamate or enter into any partnership or into any arrangement or other association for sharing profits union of interests, co-operation, joint adventure, reciprocal concession or otherwise with any pany, firm, person or body carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transactions which the pany is authorized to carry on or engage in or any business transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the pany.


(6)To subscribe, underwrite, purchase or otherwise acquire shares or stock in or securities or investments of any nature whatsoever and to subsidize or otherwise assist any such pany and with or without guarantee to sell, hold, re-issue or otherwise deal with such shares, investments, stock or securities and any rights or options in respect thereof and to buy and sell foreign exchange.


(7)To build, develop, construct, maintain, alter, enlarge, pull down, remove or replace any buildings, works; factories, roads, structures or facilities of all kinds and plant and machinery necessary or convenient for the business of the pany and to join with any person, firm or pany in doing any of the things aforesaid.


(8) To enter into any arrangements with any Government or Authorities supreme, municipal, local or otherwise and to obtain from any such Government or Authority all rights, concessions, authorizations and privileges that may seem conducive to the panys objects or any of them.


(9)To obtain the grant of, purchase or otherwise acquire any concessions, contracts , licenses, grants, trade marks, copyrights or rights of any kind, patents, inventions, privileges, exclusive or otherwise, authorities, monopolies, undertakings 0r businesses, or any right or option in relation thereto, and to perform and fulfill the terms and conditions thereof, and to carry the same into effect, operate thereunder, develop, grant licenses thereunder, and turn tO account, maintain or sell, dispose of, and deal with the same in such manner as the pany may think expedient:


(10) To apply for, promote and obtain any provisional order, Act Parliament or charter for enabling the pany to carry any of its objects into effect or for effecting any modification of the panys constitution or for any other purpose which may seem expedient and to oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the panys interests.


(11) To promote or join in the promotions of any pany for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the business, property, assets, rights and liabilities of any pany whether or not hing objects similar to those of the pany or for any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit the pany and to place or guarantee the placing of, underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire all or any part of the shares, debentures or other securities of any such other pany.


(12)To enter into any arrangements or contracts with any person, firm or pany for carrying on the whole or any part of the business of the pany, and to fix and determine their remuneration, which may be by way of money payment, allotment of shares (either fully or partly paid) or otherwise.


(13)To sell, exchange, lease, grant licenses, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with the whole of the undertaking, property, assets, rights and effects of the pany or any part thereof for such consideration as may be considered expedient and in particular shares, stock or other securities whether fully or partly paid up.


(14)To pay for any rights or property acquired by the pany, and to remunerate any person, firm or pany rendering services to the pany whether by cash payment or by the allotment of shares, debentures or other securities of the pany credited as paid up in full or in part or in any other manner whatsoever, and to pay all or any of the preliminary expenses of the pany and of any pany formed or promoted by the pany.


(15)To invest the monies of the pany not immediately required for any other purpose of the pany by the purchase of the shares or securities ,of any pany or by the purchase of any interest in land or buildings or in such other manner as shall from time to time be considered expedient.


(16) To guarantee the payment of any debentures, debenture stock, bonds, mortgages, charges, obligations, interest, dividends, securities, monies or shares or the performance of contracts or engagements of any other pany, firm or person and to give indemnities and guarantees of all kinds and to enter into partnership or any joint purse arrangement with any person, firm or pany hing objects similar to those of the pany or any of them.


(17) To guarantee or give indemnities or provide security whether by personal obligation or covenant or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets both present and future capital of the pany, or by all or any of such methods, the performance of any contracts or obligations of any person, firm or pany whatsoever.


(18) To advance, lend or deposit money or give credit to or with any pany, firm or person on such terms as may be thoughts fit and with or without security. personal obligation or covenant or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets both present and future and uncalled capital of the pany, or by all or any of such methods, the performance of any contracts or obligations of any person, firm or pany whatsoever.


(19)To draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue, and to buy, sell and deal with bills of exchange, promissory notes, debentures, bills of lading, warrants and other negotiable or transferable instruments or securities.


(20)To raise or borrow and to secure or discharge any debt or obligation of the pany, and to receive money on deposit or loan in such a manner and on such terms as may seem expedient and in such manner as may be thought fit and in particular by mortgages and charges and the issue of debentures or debenture stock or other securities of any deion upon all or any part of the undertaking, property, assets and rights of the pany both present and future including any uncalled capital of the pany.


(21) To establish and maintain or contribute to any scheme for the acquisition by trustees of shares in the pany or its holding pany to be held by,or for the benefit of employees (including any Director holding a salaried employment or office) of the pany or (so far as for the time being permitted by law) and of the panys subsidiaries and to lend money (so far as aforesaid) to any such employees to enable them to acquire shares of the pany or its holding pany and to formulate and carry into effect any scheme for sharing profits with any such employees.


(22) To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or super-annuation funds for the benefit of, and to give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the pany or of any pany which is a subsidiary of the pany or any such holding pany or otherwise is allied to or associated with the pany, or who are or were at anytime directors or officers of the pany or of any such other pany, and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such persons; to establish and subsidize and subscribe to any institutions, associations, clubs or funds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interests and well-being of the pany or of any such other pany and make payments to or towards the insurance of any such person and do any of the matters aforesaid either alone or in conjunction with any such other pany as aforesaid.


(23)To purchase and maintain insurance for or for the benefit of an person or persons who are or were at any time directors, officers or employees or auditors of the pany, or of any other pany which is its holding pany, or any pany which is associated with the pany, or of any subsidiary undertaking of the pany or trustees of any pension fund in which any employees of the pany or of any such other pany or subsidiary undertaking are interested, including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) insurance against any liability incurred by such persons in respect of any act or omission in the actual or purported execution and/or discharge of their duties and/or in the exercise or purported exercise of their powers and/or otherwise in relation to their duties, powers or offices in relation to the pany or any such other pany, subsidiary undertaking or pension fund and to such extent as may be permitted by law to indemnify or to exempt any such person against or from any such liability; for the purposes of this clause holding pany andsubsidiary undertaking shall he the same meanings as in the panies Act 1985 at amended by the panies Act 1989.


(24) To distribute among the members of the pany in specie or otherwise any property or assets of the pany subject to any consent required by law.


(25) To procure the registration, recognition or incorporation of the pany in or under the laws of any territory outside England.


(26)To issue any securities which the pany has power to issue for any other purpose by way of security or indemnity or in satisfaction of any liability undertaken or agreed to be undertaken by the pany.


And it is hereby declared that the objects of the pany as specified in each of the foregoing paragraphs of this clause shall be separate and distinct objects and shall not be restrictively construed but the widest interpretation shall be given thereto, and they shall not, except where the context expressly so requires, be in any way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other sub-clause or the order in which the same occur or by the name of the pany.


4.The liability of the Members is limited.第四条 股东的有限责任。

5.The Authorized Share Cap/tal of the pany is£1,000 divided into 1,000 Shares of£1 each.

第五条 本公司的注册股本为1,000英镑,分为1,000股,每股为1英镑。

WE,the Subscribers to this Memorandum of Association wish to be formed into a pany pursuant to this Memorandum;and we agree to take the number of Shares shown opposite our respective names.



署名人的姓名和地址 Subscriber



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