

06月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[法律本科毕业生求职信模板]您好!谢谢您百忙之中抽时间阅读我的简历。下面让我向您推荐自己。 本人具有较好的沟通协调能力和团队合作精神;踏实勤奋好学,上进;思维敏锐严谨,条理性强;有良好的工作心态和责任...+阅读

name: xxx sex: male

ethnic: chinese political features: members

academic qualifications (degree): undergraduate: law

contact tel: 12345678 mobile: 13901111xxx

contact address: xx street, dongcheng district, beijing on the 10th zip: 100007

email address: 12345678#diyifanwen. pager :66806xxx-1234

educational background

graduate institutions: the central university for nationalities 1992.9 - 1996.7 of the legal profession

* through the national bar examination

* 6 through national examinations in english, i learned that reading and writing proficiency

* proficiency in the operation of puters and the inter and the use of

work experience

* 1996.9 - 1998.9 xx large state-owned joint-stock enterprises

law officers

action to deal with the pany day-to-day, non-litigation legal affairs and intellectual property matters / is responsible for guarding against the risk of law, together with other departments to guard against all types of risk / training staff of legal knowledge

* 1998.10 - xx group since


responsible for the operation and management of the activities of the legal services / drafting, reviewing contracts, pany legal documents / the development of the pany building the legal rules and regulations and the rule of law programs / panies involved in the handling of economic disputes and panies inside and outside the major business negotiations


with professional knowledge and experience to understand the various legal documents; familiar with the various types of documents, writing legal texts; with strong expression and munication skills; the judge has a strong analytical ability and logical; man of integrity, propriety law-abiding; loving broad, happy to work with people and good team spirit.

i character

cheerful, modest, self-discipline, self-confidence (based on the person‘s circumstances).

another: the most important thing is the ability, i believe that your pany will feel that i am a suitable candidate for this position!

look forward to working with your interviews!


临床护理求职信范本您好! 感谢您在百忙中抽空翻阅我的自荐信,自信的我不会让您失望。 我是第一军医大学传护理专业的毕业生,借此择业之迹,怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执着追求,真诚地做一翻自我介...

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有关求职信的礼仪要求称呼要准确,要有礼貌: 一般来说,收信人应该是单位里有实权录用你的人。要特别注意此人的姓名和职务,书写要准确,最初的印象如何,对于这份求职信件的最终效果有着直接影响,因而要慎...

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