[高分求车间主任年终总结]【网络综合 - 工作总结】:回顾这一年来的工作,我在公司领导及各位同事的支持与帮助下,严格要求自己,按照公司的要求,较好地完成了自己的本职工作。通过一年来的学习与工作,工作模...+阅读
Being a new staff since May, I have eagerly adapt and immerse in the new working environment. Within the few months, I have done my best and within the required time frame, to develop or maintain the required responsibilities give to me. I have also kept a good communication channel with my colleagues to address any issues through exchange of ideas or solving the problems together. I have learned diligently and through practical hands on sessions, I have gradually grasp all kinds of skills required in the jobs. I have obtained a good understanding of our company;s unique framework and technical terms. From my experience, I have made notes of the experience shared by my fellow workers and I believe these will help me in times to come when I have to tackle more difficult challenges. For future development of software and the associated technology, it is essential to improve my English and especially oral communication, in order to have a broader and deeper understanding of the technical development and understanding of the business operation.
一、 分析教材,分析学生,掌握重点,积极教学 小学一年级的英语课本一共有13个模块,主要内容是; 问候并回应,询问姓名.年龄,地点.物品名称,并给予回答,数字1到10,谈论人,物品,地点,动物,表达自己的喜好等,这些内容都对小学孩子是零散的内容,如何让他们掌握知识,乐于学习成为我的主要任务,我积极向老教师请教,分析教材,提炼重点,认真备课,始终以积极的心态上好每一节课. 学生是教学的主体。因此,了解和分析学生情况,有针对地教学对教学成功与否至关重要。最初接触教学的时候,我还不懂得了解学生对教学的重要性,只是专心研究书本,教材,想方设法令课堂生动,学生易接受。但一开始我就发现我按照自己的教学设计,上了一堂自认为生动有趣的课,认为教学效果会很理想,怎知反馈出来才知道不如人意。后来才知道我讲的口语大部分同学听不懂,而教学的部分内容同学们以前从来未接触过。从而可知,我在上课前根本没有了解清楚学生的实际情况,没有备好学生的课。
二、 讲求方法。丰富课堂, 在教学过程中老师是教学的领导者和参与者。讲求方法,丰富课堂是教师在整个教学过程中首要的任务。英语作为一门外语言,需要多应运。困此,除了课堂效果之外,还需要让学生多读,多讲,多练。为此,在早读时,我坚持到班了解早读情况,发现问题及时纠正。课后发现学生作业问题也及时解决,及时讲清楚,让学生及时消化。上课内容丰富,现实。教态自然,讲课生动,难易适中照顾全部,就自然能够吸引住学生。所以,老师每天都要有充足的精神,让学生感受到一种自然气氛。这样,授课就事半功倍。回看自己的授课,我感到有点愧疚,因为有时我并不能很好地做到这点。当学生在课堂上无心向学,违反纪律时,我的情绪就受到影响,并且把这带到教学中,让原本正常的讲课受到冲击,发挥不到应有的水平,以致影响教学效果。我以后必须努力克服,研究方法,采取有利方法解决课堂中的问题。 三 、培优转差,快乐教学。 整个教学过程中由于学生的掌握情况不同,出现了优差分层,一方面,有的学生英语听,说的能力相对较弱,授课采用较深的全英教学,同学们还不能适应。另一方面,有的同学们比较活跃,上课气氛积极,成绩较好。因此,讲得太浅,没有照顾到整体,所以教学效果不如理想。从而可以看出,了解及分析学生实际情况,实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到因材施教,对授课效果有直接影响。所以。我利用课余时间对优秀生进行课外的知识补充,对差生根据实际情况进行相对应辅导,使学生成绩整体提高。从而建立学生自信心。提高学习兴趣。 由于每一位教师尤其英语教师,大家都在不断的改善和创新自己的教学,难有失败和弯路,不过我坚信,只有不断创新和实践才能有进步,才能不断完善教育教学,这是我一学期来的教学总结和感想,希望大家能给我宝贵的意见和建议.
举个例子吧 2004年,就是我工作的第五年了,这些年,我由一个蒙蒙憧憧的实习生,成长为一名有着丰富工作经验的护士。 病人在一轮轮的换着,科里也在这几年中离开了不少老同事,来了好多新同事!不过相处的岁月中,工作的协调与配合中依然那么依然有序。又快过年了,感触不由得从心底像投幕电影一样,放映着这一年之中发生的一件又一件事情! 最有意义的事:今年我们分组了,这也许算得上是头等大事吧?我们科整个分了两组,我被分在了前组,虽然和从前一成不变的工作模式有了很多的差异,可是我们每个人都勇敢的尝试着新的工作重点。这未尝不是件好事啊,也许换一下方法,会使我们的科室变得更加有力…… 2004, has been my fifth year of job , these are annual, I am grown up for one nurse who has rich work experience by a drizzly flickering probationer. The patient has been in wheels of exchanging for , Corey has been leaving many old colleague also in this several middles of the year , has been coming to a lot of new colleague! However get along with in years, coordination and the middle fitting working are as before so as before ordered. Will celebrate the New Year soon, feeling can't help looking like throwing curtain film deep down, one piece thing after another happening in 1 year being showing this! The most meaningful thing: Is that this year we have been divided into group , this can maybe include to be a cardinal question? Our section entire have been allotted two group , my quilt
I am in-charge of reservations and sales of tickets, including client services, reservation, sales, ticketing, checking and other related matters.I am responsible for handling customers queries on ticket prices and flight schedule, confirming the client's seat in the system and ticketing, managing client's re-scheduling requests, completing system inputs and daily flight tickets sales summary report as well as updating daily flight changes and informing the respective flight staff. Not only am I familiar with the job scope of a travel service agent, I am also able to think analytically and improve my work performance.
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