[英语作文英语学习计划]I'm a middle school student. I love English, but it's hard for me. Now I have a good plan to learn English. I have a pronunciation problem. I can't pronounce so...+阅读
您好:How to study English well
Tody, English is a world wide language.childrens must study English in shool,and it's usefull.Even you don't go abroad,in your hometown ,there're many foreiners you can see,if you don't know English,how do you communicate with them.
How to study English well? First,when you in shool,study with teacher .Second,you could listen English songs in your daily life or look for some English programes when you wacthing TV .these will help you level up your English.also you can wacth some English film ,it's very good for you.
My Plan In Senior High School
Knowing that I will be a senior high school student,I'm really excited.It is a new stage and I can show myself on it.Of course,I must study hard,so that I can enter my ideal university.
Firstly, I will change my learning habit.It is crucial that I have a good habit.So I will adjust my schedule to make it more suitable for senior high school life.
secondly,I'm weak in math.Therefore,I must spend more time on it and try my best to study it well.I will ask questions if I don't understand what the teacher says.I will also do a lot of exercises to improve my math grades.
At last, I hope to get high marks in all my subjects.That requires me to be serious about everything that I learn.I know it is not easy,but with the great efforts I make,I believe that I can be a top student and make my life full of joy.
How to study English wellTody, English is a world wide language.childrens must study English in shool,and it's usefull.Even you don't go abroad,in your hometown ,there're many foreiners you can see,if you don't know English,how do you communicate with them.How to study English well? First,when you in shool,study with teacher .Second,you could listen English songs in your daily life or look for some English programes when you wacthing TV .these will help you level up your English.also you can wacth some English film ,it's very good for you. 怎样学好英语现今,英语已经成为国际通用语言,小孩子在学校都要学习英语,这对以后是很有帮助的。现在尽管不出国,在家乡也能遇到很多外国人,如果不懂英语怎么跟他们交流呢。怎样才能学好英语呢?首先,在学校学习时,一定要跟紧老师。其次,在平时的生活中可以多听听英文歌曲,在看电视的时候留意一些英语节目,这些对提高英语水平很有帮助的,看英语原声电影也是个不错的选择,对你很有帮助。
5、把平时做错的小题(选择填空等)积累下来,把错误原因及正确答案和解释都详细记录,这也是考前最好的复习资料,没必要考前大量题海战,看这些更能帮助自己提高,使自己不在同一地方摔跤两次 (这项工作是在每次做题后立即应完成的,不能拖延长时间)
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