Financial budget include: cash budgets, projected income statement, pro forma balance sheet and projected cash flow statement. Cash budget cash balance of payments, also known as the budget are reflected in the budget period, all cash inflow and cash outflow, and the cash balance of payments is expected to result in the budget. Cash budget to operating budget and the cost of production, based on the preparation of cost estimates, are the core of the financial budget. Cash budget includes cash income, cash expenditures, cash surplus and deficiency, and with the use of funds raised. Expected profit report and control are reflected in the budget period and the profit level of profit and loss budget. It is a summary of sales at the budget, the cost of the budget, capital expenditure budget and other information on the preparation of the foundation. The balance sheet are expected to reflect the financial position of enterprises at the end of the budget, which the reporting period based on the balance sheet, combined with a variety of business enterprises budget, capital budget and cash budget. Cash Flow statement is expected from both the inflow and outflow of cash is reflected in business activities, investment activities and financing activities generated cash flow budget
年终怎样做财务报表一、帐务方面 你是用表结法还是帐结法? 如果用表结法,年底要做一笔所有损益的结转。 如果用帐结法,跟平时的月结一样结转损益; 所谓年底结帐,尽量将一些今年发生的费用归入当年,不...
一个完整的财务预算包括那几个方面您好,会计学堂李老师为您解答 现金预算 财务费用预算 预计利润表 1、预计利润表是综合反映预算期内企业经营活动成果的一种财务预算。 2、它是根据销售、产品成本、费用等预...
财务预算概述是什么一、预算会计 (一)预算会计的概念 预算会计是以货币为主要计量单位,对会计主体的经济业务进行连续、系统、完整的核算和监督的经济管理活动。具体地讲,它包括以下三个方面的含义...