

04月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[年假申请书]年假申请书范文 本篇范文由管理资料网为大家带来年假申请如何申请,如何向上级申请年假成功,下面请看范文年假申请书两篇 年假申请书范文一 尊敬的科长、处长、主任(只选其一):...+阅读


Dear Sir,I write to seek permission for deferment of my three days' annual leave for the current fiscal year to the coming year on the understanding that during my period of internship, annual leave is not allowed to be taken. Grateful if you could approve my application to the effect that I may taken a combined annual leave, totalling six days, in the coming fiscal year.Thank you very much for your kind consideration and approval.希望可以对你有帮助...



We are sorry that the meeting be put off till Thursday 9AM (April 20th), because Professor Wang contract a disease and can't arrive school. The doctor said she will recover within a couple of days.

Place: Hall of New Teaching Building

Attendant: Teachers and students of Information Department. Other Departments are also welcome.


Hello guys,

Those who have not taken all your 2013 annual holiday leave should notice that you'd better take it around 2014 spring festival. Make your decision quickly no matter whether you have decided it or not.

Please submit your holiday applicationg on Portal as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.




As you know, in our company we have the holiday at the beginning of 24th, unfortunately I exhaust all my efforts to buy a ticket of 19th, so it means I need to have 6 days ahead for the holiday in which 5 days are the holidays for the annual leave and 1 day is for the private affair leave, it's two years for me not go home, please kindly help to approve, thanks.


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