

09月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Hello,everybody. I'm Xiao Chen. I'm a eleven-year-old boy. Today I want to talk about how to do our best in the English test.

First, we should remeber all the new words. It is the most important part of learning English. If we cannot do this well, we will not get a good mark in the English test.

Second, we should remeber the compositions in the English book. There are lots of language point in them. So you can't do your best without know it well.

Third, we can read some English books. We'll learn a lot of new words and something we cannot learn from the English book.

You can get a good mark if you do thing I said well. So just try your best!









my family There are three people in my family. I'm a boy(girl). I'm ten years old. My dad is a worker. My mother is a worker too. And i have a dog. Its name's John. It alaways play with me. And i also love him. This is my family. Do you like us? 我的家 我家有三个人.我是一个男孩(女孩).我今年十岁.我的爸爸是个工人.我的妈妈也是个工人.我有一条狗.它的名字叫John.它总是和我一起玩.我也爱它.这是我的家.你喜欢我们吗? My hobby I'm a boy. My hobby is playing basketball. I often play basketball with my best friend after class. I think it's really fun and exciting. But my mother told me get home early. This is my hobby. What are your hobby? Can you tell me? 我的爱好 我是一个男孩.我的爱好是打篮球.我经常在放学后和我最要好的朋友.我认为它很有趣并且很刺激.但是我的妈妈告诉我早点回家.这是我的爱好.你的爱好是什么?能告诉我吗? My hobby I'm a girl. I like to colloct shells. So i often go to sea on vacation. I think sea is really beautiful. And the shells are beautiful too. Now i have twenty shells. I also have less free time to go to vacation. So i can't get more shells. This is my hobby. What are your hobby? Can you tell me? 我的爱好 我是一个女孩.我喜欢收集贝壳.所以我经常在假期时去海边.我认为大海很美.并且贝壳也一样漂亮.现在我有二十个贝壳.我有很少的空余时间去度假.所以我不能得到更多的贝壳.这是我的爱好.你的爱好是什么?能告诉我吗?


The society is a big family, our each people all are member. Theunity, the cooperation, the friendly affection are the life essentialmoral character, only has has this kind of outstanding quality, we canthe organic synthesis, take on construct the motherland the heavyresponsibility, the society can harmoniously develop. The schoolmates, let our more than 1 show loving concern, the few somedisputes, more than 1 true feelings, the few some contradictions, letin the life not the harmonious note entirely vanish, let us use theunity cooperation to play the wonderful symphony! Let our society, ourcampus fills the harmony, lets our each schoolmate grow healthy andstrong in the harmonious environment. Let everybody in this warm big family the joyful hug, lets us feel thehuman nature good exchanging, the frequent dear ones intercourse letsus not be excited already. This kind of sensation often in mine heartstatic flow... ... As the new generation of elementary student, we should altogetherconstruct harmonious social in the appeal in the big environment,diligently learns the scientific knowledge at the same time, unitesthe friendly affection with the national schoolmates, mutually helpsthe cooperation, lets flower of the national spread over a wide areamotherland each quoin.


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