[职场中的细节隐藏机会]《细节隐藏机会》是关于夏路列公司的试衣室的故事,这是一个率先把试衣室设到顾客自己家中的公司。 日本的夏路列公司是一家生产内衣的公司,设在神户中央区港岛时装街,在20世纪8...+阅读
What do your co-workers think of your performance on the job?
If you're a woman, you're three times more likely than a man to answer that question wrong.
Women handicap themselves on the job by chronically underrating their standing with bosses and co-workers, says a new study slated for presentation next month to the Academy of Management's annual meeting. When asked to predict how they were rated by managers, direct reports and peers, women were significantly poorer at predicting others' ratings than men, says the study of 251 managers by Scott Taylor of the University of New Mexico.
将在管理学会(Academy of Management)下个月举行的年会上提交的一项新研究表明,女性习惯性地低估自己在老板和同事心目中的地位,从而阻碍了自己的事业发展。新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)的泰勒(Scott Taylor)对251名管理人员进行的研究发现,当被要求预测上司、直接领导和同事给自己的评分时,女性预测的准确度远远不如男性。
A lack of self-confidence isn't the problem. The women surveyed thought highly of themselves pared with men in the study. But the females simply believed others regarded them as far less petent than they actually did, on a wide range of social and emotional skills related to leadership, according to the study. The ratings enpassed a wide range of attributes, from munication and conflict management to trustworthiness and teamwork.
Overall, eraging all the ratings, the gap between prediction and reality was three times greater for women than for men. 'Women are so accustomed to decades of being 'disappeared'' or ignored, 'and to hearing histories of women whose contributions went unnoticed, that they assume these conditions exist to the same extent today,' Dr. Taylor says.
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