[英语面试须知]英语面试有哪些须知是求职者所不知道的呢?一起来看看。 1. What isimportant to you in a job? 这个工作对你最重要的是什么? Challenge, the feeling of acplishment, and k...+阅读
在商业场合上点酒的能力并非无关紧要。而商务人士的一言一行都会被当作判断其能力高低的依据,点酒是否干脆老练且让人皆大欢喜,或许被赋予了远远超出其本身的意义。We were conducting a wine-tasting dinner for our pany last month with some pretty high-level executives from a broad spectrum of industries. What they all had in mon was this question: When I'm at a business dinner and they hand me the wine list (either because they think I know something about wine or because of my position), what the heck am I supposed to do?上个月我们为本公司举办了一场葡萄酒品尝晚宴,赴会的有一些来自各行业的级别相当高的主管。
他们都问到一个同样的问题:在商务晚宴上别人把酒单递给我时(或是因为他们以为我懂点葡萄酒或是因我担任的职务的缘故),我到底该怎么应付呢?John answered in one word: 'Cheat.' To which several people replied: 'Cheap?' Well, yes, but let's start at the beginning。约翰的回答是一个词:忽悠。有几个人回应道:便宜?(译者注:英文中CHEAT和CHEAP仅一字母之差,且读音非常相似)嗯,两者都对。但还是让我们从头说起。
Ordering the wine at a business function is not unimportant. Business people are judged by just about everything they do, and an ability to order wine crisply and well probably takes on far more significance than it should. When we first wrote about this issue in 2000, we quoted someone who still remembered a young associate, 20 years earlier, nervously looking over the wine list and finally telling the sommelier, 'I think we'll try the Lancers.' In fact, this situation is even more fraught than it was in 2000 because of the recession. Back then, the person forced to choose the wine could simply focus on a California cult Caber or some other fancy bottle and everybody would be happy. These days, the bottom line when it es to wine really is the bottom line. Successful business people are supposed to be able to identify value - and the wine list is no exception. This is where the 'cheap' es in。
在那个年代,被迫点酒者可以索性将重点放在加州California cult Caber酒或其它精美的酒上,而这样做也会让人皆大欢喜。如今,点酒的底线还真的是指价格的底线了。成功的商业人士都应该是识货的,在点酒上也不会例外。这就是我们所说的便宜的意思。And here's where 'cheat' es in: More and more restaurants he their wine lists online. Find it and study it before you go. See what fits into your budget and look up the wines online. By the time you are handed the list, you'll be able to make a snap judgment that will make it appear you know what you're doing and are a quick decision-maker to boot. If the wine list is not online, drop by the restaurant in advance, look over the list and talk with the sommelier. It's a small investment in time that will pay big dividends。
Even if this isn't possible, at least spend a few minutes doing some Web browsing on the type of wine likely to be listed. Northern Italian restaurant? You probably will see a delightful, well-priced Barbera. Greek restaurant? At least you can remember that Assyrtiko is the famous white wine from Santorini. If this simply isn't possible, here are some tips:即使在上述条件不允许的情况下,你至少要在网上花上几分钟对可能出现在酒单上的葡萄酒做些调研。去北意大利风味的餐厅吗?那酒单上可能会出现令人愉悦且价格公道的Barbera酒。
去希腊风味餐厅?那你至少可以记住Assyrtiko是著名的产自圣托里尼岛的白葡萄酒。如果所有这一切都不可能,那么下面还有一些建议给你:1) Move fast. The longer you stare at the list, the more your associates will assume either that you know nothing about wine and you're lost or that you know a lot about wine and that the wine you order will be the greatest experience of their lives。爽快地点酒。你越是对着酒单发呆,你的同伴们越是会认为你因对酒一窍不通而一头雾水,或是会认为你是个葡萄酒行家因而你今天花如此大心思点的酒会令他们喝了终身难忘。
2) Skip anything that's familiar. No one is going to be impressed if you order Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay or Yellow Tail Shiraz and, in fact, they will be outraged at the restaurant's price. You will be punished for staying in your fort zone. More broadly, for value, oid the whole long lists of the most-familiar wines: American Merlot, Caber Sauvignon and Chardonnay. A wine that is unfamiliar is more likely to impress your associates。跳过大家熟知的酒。如果你点了Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay或Yellow Tail Shiraz,没有人会觉得你挺在行。
而事实上,他们还会为这种酒在餐厅里卖到如此贵的价格感到愤怒。为了不出错而保守行事,你会受到惩罚的。也就是说,为了物有所值,你应该避开最为大众熟知的那一长串葡萄酒名字如American Merlot, Caber Sauvignon和Chardonnay。点上一瓶无人知晓的葡萄酒,会更让你的同伴们对你刮目相看。
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