
Clarifying personal data

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Work Brings Social and Personal Esteem]For these men, work is seen, not so much as a necessary evil, but as an opportunity to use one's skills in a way that gains money and esteem and is quite pleasa...+阅读

Clarifying personal data

A: All right, Mr. Winston. Let me just clarify this information: your date of birth is May 15, 1942? And your social security number is 542-31-2156?

B: Thats right, miss. Do you need anything else?

A: I just need to know your street address, Mr. Winston.

B: Its 2453 Bay Avenue. The zip code is 20143.







About your personality and characteA: What kind of personality do you think you he? B: I feel that I take the initiative to get things done. A: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B:...

Do personality traits affect negotiation skills?Do personality traits affect negotiation skills? There are four primary negotiating styles. They are similar to management styles or personalities.We learn to n...

AboutYourPersonality关于个性、性格Key Sentences(重点句子) 269.What kind of personality do you think you he? 你认为你具有哪种性格? 270.I'm quite active and energetic.I approach things enthusiasticall...

After A Pirate Negotiation, A Personal ConnectionThey dropped the money for the pirates from a helicopter on a Friday morning. Shipping executive Per Gullestrup's crew was released and headed home. The pirates...

In Negotiations Personality MattersKnowing the deployable personalities in a negotiation (see my previous post) is a good strategy but does not address use of your strongest negotiation asset; yo...

英语面试:个人信息篇PersonalInformation个人信息 这里所讲的个人资料是一个应征者的基本信息,虽然是一些很简单的问题,但是正是根据这些信息,主考官可以初步断定应试者是否符合他们的要求。BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句...
