

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[第12个应聘者]某大公司招聘人才,经过三轮淘汰,还剩下11个应聘者,最终将留用6个。因此,第四轮总裁亲自面试。奇怪的是,面试考场出现12个考生。总裁问:“谁不是应聘的?”坐在最后一排的 一个男子站...+阅读

Small panies that are managing to hire during the downturn face a challenge: Too many candidates are applying to the panies job listings. As a result, some firms are trying creative methods to find the best applicants.


Take, for instance, I Love Rewards Inc., a 38-person consulting firm that advises panies that want to implement employee benefits and performance-based rewards. I Love Rewards, based in Wellesley, Mass., and Toronto, recently received 1,200 applications for nine job openings.

拿I Love Rewards这家咨询公司来说。这家公司位于马萨诸塞州以及多伦多,现有38名员工,主要为那些希望实施员工福利和基于业绩的薪酬的公司提供咨询。最近该公司的9个职位空缺接到了1,200份求职申请。

Instead of reading through each resume, the pany sent an email to each applicant, thanking the candidates for their interest and asking them to attend an open house in Toronto. Only 400 showed up. Thats self-selection, reasons Razor Suleman, the panys founder and chief executive. Its so easy to apply for anything but 800 didnt take the first step. That lowered the screening process.

I Love Rewards的员工们(左)在快速面试中向应聘者提问。I Love Rewards并没有浏览每份简历,而是向每位求助者发送了一封电子邮件,对求职者有意谋求公司职位表示感谢,并请他们参加在多伦多的一次开放参观活动。结果只有400名求职者到场。该公司创始人兼首席执行长苏勒曼(Razor Suleman)说,这等于让他们自己筛选。求职者到处申请职位很容易,但有800人都没有迈出第一步。这缩短了筛选程序。

Over a few hours, Mr. Suleman and 31 of his employees arranged the two-story office so that the first floor was designated as an area where employees could mingle with the candidates. The second floor became a so-called speed-dating area, where the prospects had one-on-one contact with the employees for a few minutes.


It was perfectly systematic because everyone had a time slot, says Mr. Suleman. And in five minutes, wed ask a few questions and see if they were right for the role. It was different but so efficient because you could remove people who arent wildly enthusiastic. By the end of the evening, the team had found the top 68 candidates, who will be called back for group interviews and then individual interviews.



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