[与老板谈加薪的5条黄金法则]策略一:自信 杰克逊说,人才总是很难获得,所以永远不要认为,你应该为拥有一份工作而心怀感激。如果你具备胜任工作岗位的技术和对公司的忠诚,那么你就是公司的一笔财富。 策略二:推...+阅读
Numerous studies he attempted to find a clear link between pay practices and performance, but he largely failed. In Good to Great, Jim Collins said his team found no systematic pattern linking executive pensation to the process of going from good to great.
There was no indication, for instance, that bonuses or stock options were more widely used by the good-to-great panies. Moreover, Collins found that the executives who lead the good-to-great transition actually received slightly less total cash pensation than their counterparts at parison panies.
Pfeffer and Sutton e to a similar conclusion about most efforts to boost performance by creating pay incentives:
There is, in fact, little evidence that equity incentives of any kind, including stock options, enhance anizational performance. One review of more than 220 studies concluded that equity ownership had no consistent effect on financial performance. Another massive study and review of research on executive pensation published by the National Bureau of Economic Research reported that most schemes designed to align managerial and shareholder interests failed to do so.
Its not that people dont respond to financial incentives. They clearly do. When you pay salespeople missions based on their sales, for instance, they will always sell more than when you simply pay them a flat salary. The same goes for an individual crafts person who gets paid on a per piece basis.
The Journals Jon Auerbach captured the kind of supercharged environment that pay incentives can create in a profile of a salesman for EMC Corp. named John Chatwin in 1998. At the time, the pany paid salespeople about 65% of their total pay in missions, and put no cap on the missions they could earn.
The story begins with Chatwin, an ex college hockey player, fearing he wont make his sales target for the quarter. To ensure that doesnt happen, he shifts into overdrive, calling clients while ferrying relatives to his sons christening, and breaking away from a family barbecue to contact a customer about a deal. I may not be brilliant, Chatwin told Auerbach, but Im hungry, Im scrappy.
The problem, however, is that most jobs today arent like Chatwins, where performance depends largely on individual effort and can be easily measured. Todays jobs generally involve team work. Success is less due to an individuals effort, and measurement of individual effort bees more plex, if not impossible. In these situations, pay for performance can often seem unfair and arbitrary, and the result can demotivate, rather than motivate, employees. Resentment can fester, and significant time and energy can be wasted by people trying to get personal credit rather than working for team success.
The bottom line is this: Incentive pay is an effective tool in situations where performance can be fairly measured and where it is based largely on individual effort. But it is less effective in situations - mon in todays workplace - where the measurements are highly subjective and the work is done by teams.
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