[面试禁忌的十大排行]禁忌一:恶意缺席 接到面试通知,如果不能或不想出席,都应该在前一至三天以电话婉转的通知对方。许多求职者可能会认为,反正我已决定不去这家公司上班,何必和对方有所接触?这绝对是...+阅读
First impression counts, and interview table is place that matters. In order to boost your chances of getting hired, you need to make a very good first impression. You need to make sure that you project a professional image.
Remember that a lot of what your should wear depends on the industry you’re trying to get in. For conservative industries such as accounting, finance and law, you should opt for a simple look. For creative industries such as advertising, graphic design, you can dress more creatively then usual by brightening up you outfit or adding some personal touch like a nice bag or stylish shoes.
Here are some important Don’ts when dressing up for an interview.
1. Do not wear flip-flops or sneakers, unless you are interviewing to be a lead singer for a rock band.
1. 除非你是去面试摇滚乐队主唱,不然面试就别穿人字拖或运动鞋。
2. Do not wear underwear that are visible. This refers to bras, bra straps or briefs that are exposed. It doesn’t matter if they match your outer clothing, they should still remain unseen.
2. 不要穿可见内衣物,“可见内衣物”是指内衣、内衣带或内裤暴露出来。如果内衣物和外衣相配,看不出来,这倒不要紧。
3. Do not wear shorts, jeans, mini-skirts that are too “low-rise” or too tight.
3. 面试时不要穿短裤、牛仔裤和迷你裙这种太“低腰”或太紧身的。
4. Do not wear blouses that expose your cleage or belly.
4. 女性穿衬衫不能露出乳和肚子。
5. Do not reveal your tattoos or piercing unless you are sure that the pany has no policies against both.
5. 不要露出纹身或洞眼,除非你确定面试的公司在这方面没有明令禁止。
6. Do not wear overpowering cologne or perfume. Your interviewer has an ersion or even worse, is allergic to strong smells.
6. 不要喷味道过重的古龙水或香水。面试官对这个有抵触情绪,更糟糕的可能是他对浓烈的香味过敏。
7. Do not e to an interview with unkempt or dirty hair. Get rid of unwanted facial hair. She in order to look neat.
7. 不要顶着头脏乱的头发去面试。剃掉没用的胡须,让自己看上去整洁一些。
8. Do not wear obnoxious ties. Nowadays, men, especially those who are fashion-conscious, are lucky because there are many ailable designs for neckties. However, if you are going to an interview, make sure that the design of your tie is professional.
8. 不要戴令人反感的领带。现在的男性,尤其是赶时髦的男性,会有很多时尚的领带。不过,如果你是去面试,那么就要想想清楚了,你的领带是否能凸显你的专业性。
9. Don’t wear anything that dangles. This applies to your earrings, jewelry and necklaces that are too big, too noisy, too chunky or too many. They will not help you project a professional image. It also is distracting to hear them clank with each other every time you move your hands.
9. 不要佩戴晃动的饰物。这条是针对耳环、珠宝和项链这些太大、太吵、太厚实或者太繁多的佩饰的。这些东西不会帮助你建立职业形象。每次你手一动,他们就会碰撞发声,这些声音会分散注意力。
Remember that dressing for your interview is about dressing with a purpose. Use this chance to show your professionalism.
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