

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[收到 HP offer]下午6点收到hr 电话,通知已经通过面试,offer letter将在1月初发出 给offer的是打印成像集团耗材大客户销售 攒rp发面经 (1)简历投递 10月中旬,chinahr上投的,一个opening question...+阅读

Evaluating the Offer请仔细考虑这些因素Salary薪酬Even if money isnt what gives you the most job satisfaction, no one can argue its importance. You need a certain amount of money to pay the bills, for example. Most of us also want to make sure we are being paid what were worth and what is the going rate for jobs similar to ours. Its important to find out what others are making for related work in the same industry, and in the same geographic region. You can start gathering this information by looking at salary surveys and other occupational information. And dont fet, if other aspects of the job appeal to you, you can try to negotiate the offer.尽管获得薪水对于你来说不一定是工作中最大的成就感,但它的作用是毋庸置疑的。

比如你必须花钱支付生活中的费用。很多人都想获得符合自己预期标准甚至是与工作效率同步提高的薪水,此时你得了解其他同行或同区域相关职业的工资标准。你可以通过工资水平调查和其他就业数据获取相关信息。并且请别忘了,如果你发现这份工作的其他方面让你有所保留,你也可以尝试与该公司商量。Office Environment工作环境Every office has a different feel to it. Some feel kind of dark pin-striped suit while others feel a little more relaxed. Years ago I interviewed for an internship in a public relations firm. From the second I set foot in the office I knew I wanted to work there. There was a big bubble gum machine in the corner and colorful pictures hung on the walls. A few years later I interviewed for a job at a large investment bank. The office was the plete opposite of the one I just described. I was interviewed in a formally decorated conference room and given a tour of the department Id be working in. It was brightly lit, yet furnished in dull colors. I was offered and accepted both positions and loved both jobs. As you can see, you can be happy in two totally different environments. You just need to know which environment youd be unhappy in.每一间办公室都有其独特的氛围。


那是一间非常明亮、配着暗色系家具的办公室。但是这两份工作我都欣然接受了。由此可见,你完全可以在两个不同的环境下工作。你只需清楚自己不喜欢的工作环境就足够了。Corporate Culture企业文化Defined by Merriam-Webster as the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes a pany or corporation, corporate culture should be an important factor in your decision whether to accept a job offer. If you value your time away from the office, a pany with a corporate culture that encourages late hours may not be for you. Is the potential employers philosophy win at all costs? Is your philosophy always play clean? This pany isnt for you. Are you an ardent proponent for animal rights? Through your research you learn that one of the panys subsidiaries does animal testing. Although this wont affect the day-to-day activities of your job, it may not be a situation in which youll feel fortable.企业文化的定义,是根据Merriam Webster提出关于一系列突出公司或企业特点的共同理念,价值观,目标和业务的概念所建立的。


mute Time通勤时间When youre considering a job offer, take into account the length of your mute. What may he seemed like an okay distance to trel for a job interview may begin to wear thin when you he to make that trip twice a day, five days a week, in rush hour traffic.当你在衡量工作条件是否满意的时候,考虑一下通勤时长吧。可能对于你来说,从家里到面试现场的用时是可以接受的,但是当你在上班高峰期,以一周五天,一天两次的频率往返于公司和家里,这绝对会让你疯掉的。

Your Boss/Co-Workers 上司与同事I was once being interviewed by the director of an anization and the head of the department Id be working in. In the middle of the interview the director yelled at the department head. When I was offered the job, I didnt even ask how much, I just said no thank you. While I wouldnt he daily contact with the director, I knew I would he enough contact with him to make my life miserable.笔者曾经被某间公司经理和部门主管面试过,在面试过程中,经理忽然向主管大声吼叫。




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