这里有一篇范文,参考一下,希望有所帮助 我来自湖北宜昌,现居住在深圳,已经离职。 本人毕业于中南财经政法大学会计专业,2002年南下广东,就职于东莞天盛公司,先后从事总经理秘书、行政人事主管和人力资源主管工作,具有三年多的行政人事管理工作经验,并已取得助理人力资源管理师资格证书。 本人具有优秀的写作能力、策划能力、管理能力,多次策划、组织和主持公司内外大型庆典、晚会活动。
为人踏实,乐于助人,与人为善,注重团队精神,是领导的得力助手,同事的知心伙伴。我爱好写作、古筝、跳舞,建立了个人的博客。 希望能在深圳这个年轻的城市找寻到自己的一方天地,我坚信:事在人为,要想有所收获,必先付出努力! I come from Yichang in Hubei, living in Shenzhen now, having already left office. Oneself graduate from medium south finance and economics government method university accountancy profession, go down south Guangdong in 2002, assume office a day a prosperous company in Dongwan , be engaged in a general manager's secretary successively, administration the personnel administrator and human resource supervisor work, having working experience of the administration personal management for more than three years, and have already obtained the management teachers space certificate of the assistant human resource. Oneself have an excellent writing skill, plan ability and manage an ability, many plans, organizations with manage the large celebration ceremony, evening party activity of outside inside the company.Behave dependably, take pleasure in help others, with artificial kind, pay attention to team spirit, is a leadership of get dint assistant, the colleague's understanding colleague.I love a writing, GuZhen and dance, building up personal blog. One square world hoping to search in this young city in Shenzhen to be own, I believe firmly:The matter want to have results in the factitiousness, paying an effort necessarily and first!
面试的时候如果问你的优点是什么怎么回答才1、调整面试心态 面试是招考中的最后一关,涉及到考生的前途和命运,在准备面试的过程中出现一定的紧张和焦虑属于正常现象。在准备和考试过程中,保持一定程度的紧张可以使我们的...
面试中问你的优点缺点爱好是啥请给一个较好的回答我的优点是:我的专业,也就是我的强项正符合做网络管理与维护工作(一定要把自己的专业优点说出来,懂得推销自己,莫失良机) 我的缺点就是:在工作当中过于勤奋,向拼命三郎,不懂得爱惜自...
梦见面试是什么意思晚上也会梦见面试,梦见自己被面试,下面让哈秀小编为你解开,吧。 我最近都在找工作,有一家公司通知我去面试了,然后我昨晚就一整晚都梦见自己在被面试,而且我好像很淡定,他问什么我...
我面试仓库管理员说要懂ERP ERP是什么东西?怎么用对于库管人员,关键是要了解一下ERP中的库存管理模块,如出入库管理、库存预警、盘存等。能说几个专业名词也行。 物料管理系统是 SMART ERP 系统的基础模块之一。对物料的出库...
马上要去面试财务助理的工作了要求要准备一段英文的自我介绍Good morning(afternoon) sir/madam, my name is XXX. I just graduated from XXX university and majored in finance/accounting. I'm applying for the position of Fina...
翻译面试财务英文介绍I have been working in a dress(如果是指服装公司,最好用garment) company since 2006. My responsibility is to prepare and review accounting vouchers, to calculate cos...
用英文写一段关于会计面试的对话个人资料,分享给你,希望有所帮助,请采纳!谢谢!Situation: Lintel, a computer chip manufacturing company, currently has a job opening in its Finance department. John Mill...
会计面试英语自我介绍范文会计面试英文自我介绍 My name am ﹡﹡¸ my specialty was the Accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years I already is smooth through th...