
Questions to Ask笔试

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[公选领导笔试案例题]想要参选领导选拔的同志们,下面这一则笔试案例题是与公选有关的,本站建议大家了解一下。 案例: 日前,某地人民法院开庭审理了一起特殊的行政诉讼案:由于对政府部门数次改变小区的...+阅读

1. In my first year with the firm, how much responsibility should I expect? To whom will I be reporting, and who will evaluate me? The firm has a reputation for giving newbies a good deal of responsibility, but this varies according to office, supervisor, and client situations.

2. BCG has a reputation for providing a good quality-of-life to employees. What are some of the ways you help to ensure this? This question shows youre familiar with the firm and gives interviewers the chance to chat up BCG a bit, which they usually enjoy.

3. What are my chances of working for one of the international offices early in my career at BCG? According to insiders, all you need do is ask.

4. Can you tell me about a recent engagement you worked on? How do you feel you helped the client?

5. What kind of professional developm

ent does BCG provide? BCG prides itself on offering frequent classroom training sessions on diverse business topics from presentation delivery to present value analysis using Excel. Its good to try to find out what the interviewer considers to be top training opportunities.

6. How does BCG plan to expand its business in ing years?

7. How is your firm different from Bain? BCG expects that you are good enough to he received offers from many of their petitors. By discussing the petition, youre subtly reinforcing the notion that youre good enough to be in hot demand.

8. How much of my work will be in strategy, and how much in reengineering and IT work? Increasingly, BCG is widening the services it offers. Consultants at the firm may not spend all their time on classic hard strategy; find out where BCG is going.


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