

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于高一新生在数学学习中遇到的障碍调查报告]1、高一新生在数学学习中遇到的障碍主要有那些 2、当前中学生的学习心理特点 调查方法是: 二、问卷的分析 1.初、高中数学的衔接过程中出现困难 从初中到高中,不管是在数学概...+阅读

一、单项选择题,语法和词汇知识运用,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The support of the students ______ the losing team and they played harder, so in the end they won the game.A. brought up B. cheered up C. grew up D. turned up2.Ge managed to ___________ several customers of the advantages of his product.A. remind B. accuse C. inform D. convince3. Once it is formed,a bad habit is not easy to _____ 。A.get rid of B.pick out C.cut off D.care for4. _____ go straight on to university, why not get some work experience first?A.Rather than B.More than C.As well as D.Along with5._______ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.A. Unless; will you B. Unless; you willC. Only if; you will D. Only if; will you6. It is wrong for us to ___ others however poor they are.A. look down upon B. look up to C. look after D. look through7. This picture was taken a long time ago.I wonder if you can _____ my father.A.find out B.pick out C.look out D.speak out8. I would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.A. you to call B. youre calling C. your calling D. you call9. Like so many others, the little tramp has rushed there ___________ gold , but without success.A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of10.The unemployment __________ in this city has fallen from 16% to 8% in the past two years.A. speed B. rate C. welfare D. line11.We shouldnt plain about being poor --- many families are much ________ than we are.A. better off B. well off C. worse off D. badly off12. ________ Did says sounds right to Helen. Thats why she has made upher mind not to lee him ________ happens.A. Whatever; whatever B. No matter how; whateverC. No matter what; however D. Whatever; no matter how13. About 110 million people moved to this city. The population is _____ as ten years ago.A. as twice large B. twice as largeC. as many twice D. twice as many14. Progress so far has been very good. ________, we are sure that the project will be pleted on time .A. Besides B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise15. The book as well as the flowers ___ my mother, but my father thought they were for him and took them.A. were intended for B. was intended forC. intended to give D. intended giving

二、 完形填空Chinese swimmer Xiong Guoming made a record at the 1993 Asian Games in Japan, butwas punished for taking banned medicine. His record was __16__ and he was not __17__ to take part in any other petitions for two years.It was a great __18__ and __19__ for Xiong, one of the best-known swimmers in the world. This bad news harmed the fame of the Chinese swimming team, and resulted __20__ in all Chinese records in swimming. However, the so-called banned medicine was, in fact, __21__ traditional Chinese health food.It may he been __22__ to Xiong, as he had no __23__ of some of the banned chemical elements in the health food. The failure was a sudden blow to him. He became very disappointed. __24__ only 20 years old, he __25__ the life style of a retired man, passing his time in doing such things as keeping pets and growing flowers. Day after day, he was worried and displeased.Back to the training pool was all the more difficult to him. To other people, it was just a __26__ of getting prepared for a petition, but to him, it was to rebuild self-confidence first. He did not lose heart, after all. __27__ advice and help of his coach and leaders of the swimming team, Xiong decided to __28__ swimming again as his career.__29__ expected, Xiong took first place again. In the recent Eighth National Games, he took a number of titles, and broke an Asian record. Tears ran down his cheeks as he was receiving the gold medals. In the thundering applauses(鼓掌欢迎)Xiong felt as if he had been given a new birth. I want to __30__ the world that I am a good swimmer, and that I do not cheat anyone __31__ . My __32__ depends upon my sweat, Xiong said. He also __33__ thankful to those who had helped and cared for him when he was __34__ .Xiong, the young swimmer with a brighter future, is well __35__ his way to the ing Olympic Games.


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