

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[五年级下册美术春天的游戏作品]寻找春天 “春天在哪里?春天在哪里?……”每当我听到这首儿时的歌谣,心里总是在想:春天到底在哪里?该到哪里找寻它的呢?三月的一个周六,我终于忍不住出门,踏上寻春的路。 我沿着田间...+阅读

第一单元: 1 post 2 office 3 post office 4 arcade 5 video arcade 6 bank 7 supermarket 8 phone 9 pay 10 pay phone 11 park 12 avenue 13 bridge 14 mail 15 near 16 across 17 across from 18 excuse 19 excuse me. 20 neighborhood 21 just 22 straight 23 turn 24 left 25 right 26 welcome 27 you're welcome 28 dirty 29 old 30 market 31 soda 32 pine 33 garden 34 district 35 off 36 take a walk 37 through 38 pass 39 house 40 beginning 41 tour 42 visit 43 fun 44 have fun 45 if 46 hungry 47 bench 48 arrive 49 taxi 50 take a taxi 51 airport 52 yours 第二单元: 1 koala 2 bear 3 tiger 4 elephant 5 dolphin 6 panda 7 lion 8 penguin 9 giraffe 10 zoo 11 map 12 first 13 cute 14 fun 15 smart 16 animal 17 kind of 18 box 19 africa 20 south africa 21 bingo 22 ugly 23 intelligent 24 friendly 25 shy 26 dog 27 grass 28 sleep 29 during 30 at night 31 leaf 32 him 33 give 34 guess 35 meat 36 relax 37 lazy


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