[以玉不啄不成器为题写一篇作文要求400字以上]今天放学,我在练钢琴的时候,被老师批评了几句,觉得很委曲,就哭着跑回了家。妈妈看见了,拿出我最喜欢的小玉兔,给我讲了个“玉不琢,不成器”的故事。 妈妈语重心长地说:“玉,本来只是...+阅读
My happy time
My happy time was with you. I love you, not because of who you are, but I like the way I am with you.
We were just staying right here. The river at that time was so beautiful, we played in the boat, you laugh, you sang, we were so happy, the sun shine makes the river shine, you smiled to the river, I looked straight at you, you looked like an angel.
Now, you were gone, only left me here, by the river, I was thinking about you, those fallen leaves were still with me, but you, were gone.
七年级下册人教版英语第七单元单词Unit 7 It's raining! rain v.下雨n.雨水 windy adj.多风的 cloudy adj多云的 sunny adj晴朗的 snow v.下雪;雪Snow weather n.天气 cook v.做饭 bad adj坏的;糟的 park n.公...
以题目啊我发现了什么为题写一篇300字作文我发现我的家乡变了 我发现了,我发现了!我发现我可爱的家乡变了! 我的家乡是潍坊,它是举世闻名的风筝都。自改革开放以来,潍坊变了,变富了,变美了。 就拿东风街来说吧!狭窄的土路变...
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话题英语作文怎么写定句型,连词成句 这个环节是成文的关键,一定要注意做到: (1)选用比较有把握的词汇,用恰当的句型写出确切反映内容要求的句子。在熟悉的基础上,鼓励多用高级词汇和结构复杂的复杂句...