

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文翻译医学术语]here is a summary of what I know about my health condition 个人健康状况概述 background 病史(不要一看到background 就翻译为“背景”!) as a very young baby i had a bl...+阅读

e68a84e8a2ad7a64313332366133311.The smooth beautiful woman of water is nursed.

2.Jade-like stone Bai Mei muscle nurses.

3.The smallpox cures super war.

4.Charge oil for balancing a nursing.

5.Irritability renovation nurses.

6.Red blood wire renovation nurses.

7.Youth reproduces a nursing.

8.Clear eyes with a winning look nurses.

9.Beautiful neck is nursed.

10.The beautiful back is nursed.

11.Best quality physiology takes good care of (the ovary nurses).

12.Fragrance opens the back.

13.Hand treatment.

14.The chest nurses US.

15.Best quality woman (the ovary , bubble bath , shower bath , mulberry make things difficult for sb. , relax the pressure].

16.Face multipurpose card (month gets stuck , the card , the year get stuck for the half a year].


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专业英语人士请来关于美容行业的专业术语翻译1.The smooth beautiful woman of water is nursed.2.Jade-like stone Bai Mei muscle nurses.3.The smallpox cures super war.4.Charge oil for balancing a nursing.5.Ir...

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