

03月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[两年工作经验证明样本]单位同意报考证明 市人力资源和社会保障局: 兹有本单位___________同志,参加广东省2013年公务员考试。我单位同意其报考,并保证其如被录用,将配合有关单位办理其档案、工资、党...+阅读


A salesman is wanted . Our company mainly deals with many big companies both at home and abroad . So two years of related working experiences and a fine appearence are required . Besides , a college graduate is preferred . Fluent spoken English is a great advantage . Ambitious young men who desire to achieve their goals are welcome . Please contact us at 123456789 or email us at .....


Employee planning, recruiting, selecting, staffing and hiring is often a very difficult, timely and expensive task for any organization wishing to survive in today's economy. In order for any organization to be successful they must attract and hire the most talented employees that fit the culture of the organization. It is the employees that make up an organization, so to be successful they must have a strict strategic process in place to recruit the right people for their organization.

There are many strategies that organizations use to recruit employees which include, the pipeline approach, competitiveness, employment branding, sourcing, diversity and technology to name a few.

The pipeline approach is a strategy that seems to be one of the most important recruiting strategies because the approach builds a steady stream of applicants, and allows for resumes and applications to come in, and get sorted into areas of expertise that may be needed down the road. It is very important for organizations to plan for a need that may develop as time goes on. It is also extremely important to note that in every industry there lies a competitor. Organizations must take note of what the competitor is doing at all times when it comes to recruitment strategies. This strategy is one that could be adopted by Patton-Fuller Community Hospital in the case of losing an employee; it is always a good idea to have back-ups that may be available or recruited from the competition.



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