

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中式快餐菜谱有哪些什么中式快餐可口]素 菜 类 酸辣土豆丝 蒜泥紫角叶 香菇青菜 蕃茄炒蛋2113 家常豆腐 大烧百叶 雪菜杭椒素几 韭菜炒鸭血 肉松如意5261菜 蒜泥空菜 脆皮水面筋 油焖竹笋 虎皮尖椒 丝瓜豆子 老...+阅读


Hello! Everyone. I'm Zhao Mei. I like the turkey sandwiches very much. Do you want to know how to make the turkey sandwiches? Now let me tell you. First put mustard on two slices of bread. Then cut up one tomato. Put the tomato on the bread. Next add two slices of turkey. Finally put two teaspoons of mayonnaise on the turkey. Do you understand? Now you can have a try....

以Fast Food为题写一篇有关快餐的英语作文字数100120词

Fast food is the food that can help people save time and energy.Especially for the those who keep busy all the time.

Why is it called fast food? Because it can be prepared fast and you can buy it fast and you can eat it fast. But because it is too fast, it is not so healthy as those foods we have in normal way.

So, I think we can have the fast food when we are in a hurry or just when we want something else for change.

So, i think fast food should never be the main food for us.

And as a matter of fact, I love chinese food best. As it is both delicious and healthy.



Nowadays, fast food is becoming more and more popular in our daily life, especially among the younger in China. What makes it possible? In my oppinion, there are several reasons contributing to it.

To start with, fast food is very convenient without cooking by ourselves. In addition, its price is cheap to be received by ordinary people. Last but not least, we can enjoy the good service from the fast food shops. Howere, fast food is not good for our health because it lacks nutritions.

For my part, fast food can be eaten when we really haven't had time to cook. But at other time, we should cook by ourselves. In doing so, we can take the advantages of fast food and also keep healthy.


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