

03月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能提供适合初中生的英语朗诵词]I saw thee' weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A v...+阅读


Life is A Journey人生如旅

Written by Jack London

From the hell to the heaven,

There's no straight way to walk.

Sometimes up, sometimes down.

Hope creates a heaven for us,

Despair makes a hell for us.






Some choices are waiting for me,

Which one on earth is better?

No God in the world can help me,

Choosing is the 1)byname of freedom,

Different choice makes different future.






It's stupid to put eyes on others.

I have to make up my own mind,

Going my way to the destination.




Facing success or failure,

It's no need to care too much.

Only if I've tried my best,

It's enough for my simple life.






我也很喜欢英文散文,下面是几篇我喜欢的:Said a Sheet of Snow-white Paper白纸如是说(纪伯伦)论爱On love(纪伯伦)Love is difficult爱是艰难的(勒内 玛利亚 里尔克)有感于青春常在On the feeling of immortality(威廉 赫兹里特)青春Youth(塞缪尔 乌尔曼)错觉An illusion(威廉毛姆)童年Childhood(夏洛特勃朗特)If the world were a village of 100 people如果世界是一个一百人的村落(大卫史密斯 谢拉阿姆斯壮)我明白了I've learned(欧麦华盛顿)花的启示Enlightening FragranceDo not wait爱,永远禁不起等待爱和时间Love and timeA forever friend永远的朋友……还有很多很多,但是不知道这些在网络上能不能找到,建议你去书店买英文散文书,我经常买,有英汉对照的,很美。...


I remember quite clearly now when the story happened. The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground, recovering the lake, where we used to swim like children, under the sun was there to shine. That time we used to be happy. Well, I thought we were. But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguely conscious, you said: "Our story is ending." The rain was killing the last days of summer. You had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago. I still don't think I'm gonna make it through another love story. You took it all away from me. And there I stand, I knew I was going to be the one left behind. But still I'm watching the lake, vaguely conscious, and I know my life is ending. 参考译文: 我仍清晰地记得故事发生的时候。秋叶翻飞,飘落一地。我们曾经孩子般戏水畅游过的小湖盖满落叶,在太阳下闪着光。

那时我们幸福过。哦,我是这样认为的。可事实上你早就想离开我,只是不敢告诉我罢了。在那美丽的夜晚,眼望湖水,恍惚中听见你说:我们的故事已到尽头。 雨水扼杀着所剩无几的夏日,而你很久以来也在扼杀我奄奄一息的爱。我仍不认为自己会再去经历另一段爱情故事。你把一切都带走了。我只有悄然伫立,早已明白自己将会是那个被遗弃的人。而我依然凝望着湖水,恍惚中,生命正离我而去。


Warble For Lilac-Time 为丁香花季节而歌唱 Warble me now for joy of lilac-time, (returning in reminiscence,) Sort me O tongue and lips for Nature's sake, souvenirs of earliest summer, Gather the welcome signs, (as children with pebbles or stringing shells,) Put in April and May, the hylas croaking in the ponds, the elastic air, Bees, butterflies, the sparrow with its simple notes, Blue bird and darting swallow, nor forget the high-hole flashing his golden wings, The tranquil sunny haze, the clinging smoke, the vapor, Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above, All that is jocund and sparkling, the brooks running, The maple woods, the crisp February days and the sugar-making, The robin where he hops, bright-eyed, brown-breasted, With musical clear call at sunrise, and again at sunset, Or flitting among the trees of the apple-orchard, building the nest of his mate, The melted snow of March, the willow sending forth its yellow-green sprouts, For spring-time is here! the summer is here! and what is this in it and from it? Thou, soul, unloosen'd—the restlessness after I know not what; Come, let us lag here no longer, let us be up and away! O if one could but fly like a bird! O to escape, to sail forth as in a ship! To glide with thee O soul, o'er all, in all as a ship O'er the waters; Gathering these hints, the preludes, the blue sky, the grass, the morning drops of dew, The lilac-scent, the bushes with dark green heart-shaped leaves, Wood-violets, the little delicate pale blossoms called innocence, Samples and sorts not for themselves alone, but for their atmosphere, To grace the bush I love—to sing with the birds, A warble for joy of lilac-time, returning in reminiscence. 英文抒情散文诗欣赏:为丁香花季节而歌唱 为我歌唱丁香花季节的喜悦吧, (它正在怀念中归来,) 为了大自然,请与我一起吧,灵巧的唇舌,初夏的留念, 与我一起收集那些可爱的音符, (如孩童收集卵石或成串的贝壳,) 将它们放进四月五月,这些池塘里鸣叫的雨蛙,轻快的微风, 蜜蜂,蝴蝶,歌声单调的麻雀, 蓝鸟和疾飞的燕子,也别忘了那扇着金色翅膀的天宇, 那宁静的彩霞,缭绕的烟霭和水雾, 鱼儿畅游的湖海的波光,头上蔚蓝的天色, 那容光焕发的一切,奔流的小河, 那枫树林,那清新的二月天和酿糖的日子, 那跳跃着的、眼睛发亮的褐胸知更鸟, 它在日出时清脆悦耳地鸣啭,日落时又歌唱, 或在苹果园的树木中飞动,给它的爱侣筑巢, 三月里融化的雪,杨柳刚抽出的嫩绿的柔条, 因为春天到了!夏天快来了! 它孕育着什么,又会产生些什么呢? 你,灵魂得到解放——我不知道还在急切地追求什么; 来吧,让我们不再在这里逗留,让我们奋起前进! 啊,但愿一个人能像一只鸟一样飞翔! 啊,能够逃逸,像乘着快艇出航! 同你的灵魂,越过一切,寓于一切,像一只船划过海洋; 收集起预示和征兆,这蓝天、野草、清晨的露珠, 这丁香花的芬芳,这披着暗绿色心形叶片的灌木林, 这木本紫罗兰,这名叫“天真”的娇小的淡淡的花卉, 这种种的草木不只是为它们自己,而是为了它们的四周, 为了装饰我所爱的丛林——为了与百鸟一起吟哦, 唱一支深情的歌,为这回忆中归来的丁香花季节的欢乐。


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