[请记住和弗兰克共用你的电脑用英语怎么说]英文原文: please remember to share your computer with Frank 英式音标: [pliːz] [rɪˈmembə] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [ʃeə] [jɔː; jʊə] [kəm...+阅读
Computer literacy is the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. Computer literacy can also refer to the comfort level someone has with using computer programs and other applications that are associated with computers. Another valuable component of computer literacy is knowing how computers work and operate. As of 2005, having basic computer skills is a significant asset in the developed countries. The precise definition of "computer literacy" can vary from group to group. Generally, literate (in the realm of books) connotes one who can read any arbitrary book in their native language[s], looking up new words as they are exposed to them. Likewise, an experienced computer professional may consider the ability to self-teach (i.e. to learn arbitrary new programs or tasks as they are encountered) to be central to computer literacy. In common discourse, however, "computer literate" often connotes little more than the ability to use several very specific applications (usually Microsoft Word, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Outlook) for certain very well-defined simple tasks, largely by rote. (This is analogous to a child claiming that they "can read" because they have rote-memorized several small children's books. Real problems can arise when such a "computer literate" person encounters a new program for the first time, and large degrees of "hand-holding" will likely be required.) Being "literate" and "functional" are generally taken to mean the same thing.
计算机英语与其他专业英语的最大区别就在于它的“日新月异”,特点也不少:客观、严谨、准确、精练,专业术语多,缩略语经常出现,合成的新词多,介词短语、分词短语和名词性词组使用频繁,长句、祈使句和被动语态使用较多,方程与数字占有一定比列。因此要学好计算机英语,首先要不断地学习新的计算机技术,这样才能对相关内容有很好的理解,对于不断出现的新的计算机专业词汇要注意理解和记忆,在了解技术的基础上,结合对词汇的掌握就能很好地理解,多积累,就能不断提高自己的计算机英语的水平。 KB:等于1024 Byte MB:等于1024 KB GB:等于1024 MB Byte:字节,等于8 bit(8个位的组合,共有256种电路状态),计算机一个文字以8 bit来表示 bit:位,计算机数据最基本的单位,又0与1两种电路状态。
Hub:集线器 Mouse:鼠标 Case:机箱 Pin:针脚 Power:电源 Moniter:屏幕 Scanner:扫描仪 Speaker:喇叭 Printer:打印机 Modem:调制解调器 MB(MotherBoard):主板 Capture:影音采集卡 HDD(Hard Disk Drive):硬盘 KB(keyboard):键盘 FDD(Floppy Disk Drive):软盘 jumper:跳线(短路端子) CCT(Clock Cycle Time):时钟周期 OS(Operating System):操作系统 PC(Personal Computer):个人计算机 CPU(Central Processing Unit):中央处理器 RAM(Random Access Memory):内存 CD-ROM(Compact Disk Read Only Memory):致密光盘只读存储器(只读光盘) DVD-ROM(Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory):DVD光驱 CD-RW(Compact Disk ReWrtier):刻录机 CRT(Cathode Ray Tube):使用阴极射线管的显示器 LCD(Liquid Crystal Display):液晶屏幕 USB(Universal Serial Bus):通行串行总线,用来连接外围装置 IEEE1394(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers):新的高速序列总线规格 BIOS(Basic Input Output System):硬件(输入/输出)基本设置程序 CMOS(Comelementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor):储存BIOS基本设置数据的记忆芯片 POST(Power On Self Test):开机检测 DOS(Disk Operating Sstem):磁盘操作系统,早期文字指领接口的操作系统 Socket:插槽,CPU插槽种类有SocketA、Socket478等等
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