

03月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文电子邮件急!不用太长]Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? I have arrived in Shenzhen at Saturday afternoon by train, everything is OK. My aunt picked me up at the train station and took m...+阅读


Dear Sam, Greetings! As you know, the Spring Festival, the most important holiday in China's lunar year, is also the lunar New Year in eastern countries like Korea, Japan, Vietnam besides Chian. These days, my mom and papa bring me to malls and buy a lot of goods such as foods, new clothes, firecrackers, scrolls and presents for this festival. Every Chinese family does the same things in this time. I will take photoes of all occasions which happen in this period and send them to you by email if you like. Ok, I have many things to do now, because my mom is calling me. Your sincerely, Li Hua


In China,the Spring Festival in the most important festival.People usually have a long holiday.It lates seven days or more.Most of the families will have a big family get-together.The whole family will have a big meal on the eve of the Spring Festival.Everyone is happy.The most traditional food is dumplings.The Chinese think the dumplings will bring them good luck in the new year.On the first day of the Chinese New Year,people usually wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends.They say“Happy New Year”to each other.People often go to the parks or go shopping.


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,my families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .I like the festival very much ,because I can have delicious food and wear new clothes .I can also get some money from my parents. This money is given to me for good luck . We also put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . 1.春节是中国最最重要的节日.2.春节前一天的晚上,一家人都聚在一起吃晚饭.3.许多人都喜欢(在这时候)放炮竹.4.饺子是传统的实物. 5.我非常喜欢这个节日,因为我能吃到很多美味的食物,穿漂亮的衣服.6.我还能收到父母给的压岁钱.7这些钱能给我带来好运.8我们也会把新年的画挂在墙上,为了来年的好运. 小朋友,不知道有的词你学没学过,你就参考一下吧~~


My spring festival

This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.

On New Year's Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant.During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.We say some good hope to each other.For example,keep good healthe,try your best to do everything,have a good mood in this year,happy everyday and so on.

Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get toghther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.


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