[李宫俊经典语录白先勇经典语录白烨经典语录巴金经典语录]展开全部 耳朵听见,花开满台。——李宫俊(原创)眼睛下雨,淋湿自己。——李宫俊(原创)我不是宅,我是爱家。——李宫俊(原创)情浓千股,复念一人。——李宫俊(原创)我输了,输在舍不得。——...+阅读
1、 there's awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes.通过一个人的鞋足以了解他是个怎样的人.
2、 his back is as crooked as a politcian他的背弯的象个政客(美国式的政治调侃)
3、life like a box of chocolates.you never know what you\'er gonna to get生活象盒巧克力 你不知道你将得到什么 (应该是本片最传世的经典之作了吧!)
4、stupid is as stupid does没有蠢人只有蠢事
5、jenny and me was like peas and carrotsjenny和我青梅竹马
6、mirackes happen every day奇迹每天都会发生
7、I want to reach people on a personal level我要打动人们的心灵
8、sth come very natural to sb--对---来说得心应手
9、we all have a destiny .nothing just happens,it\'s all part of a plan我门都有自己的命运 没有什么是随随变变发生的 它都是计划的一部分
10、that\'s one small step for man one giant leap for manking(阿波罗登月时说的名言 ,它的译文就不用多说了)
11、dont you just love new year?you get to start all over你不爱新年吗?一切都能重新开始
12、promise is a promise表示要守承诺
13、there\'s only so much fortune a man really need and the rest is just for showing off人真正需要的财富只有一点点 其余的都是用来炫耀
14、you got to put the past behind you before you can move on在你前进前必须先甩掉过去
15、I dont know if we each have a destiny ,or if we\'re all just floating aroundaccidental like on a breeze ,but I think may be it\'s both我不知道我门每个人是否都有各自的命运 或者只是随意的在风中飘逝但我想或许那都是对的(啊干在jenny墓前的感言 之后潸然泪下 或许经历了那么多他终于世道了what is life)《阿甘正传》经典语录1. Life was like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're gonna get.人生就像一盒巧克力,不打开它你永远不知道下一颗的味道。2.There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been.通过一个人的穿鞋,可以判断一个人。他去过哪儿,将要去哪儿。3.Stupid is as stupid does.傻人有傻福。4.We were like peas and carrots.我们形影不离。5.Miracles happen every day.每天都有奇迹发生。6.A little of stinging rain, and big old fat rain.牛毛细雨,瓢泊大雨。7. Sure as hell was.绝对如此,板上定钉。8.You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on.放下包袱,继续前进。9.If there is anything you need I will not be far away.用情至专!10.It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.母亲: 我的时间到了。别害怕,死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要去做的一件事。我不知道怎么回事,但我注定是你的妈妈,并且我尽我的全力做好。
I've heard tell of the existence of a legless bird in the real world. A constant flutter in the space above constitutes its whole life.Prostrated with toil and strain, it just takes repose in the wind. Throughout countless nights and days, only once will its body brush the dust of the ground and that's the very time when it bids farewell to the world. 我听别人说这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,它只能够一直的飞呀飞呀,飞累了就在风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那一次就是它死亡的时候。 Never in my life would I erase from my mind the 60 seconds right before 3 P.M. of April 16th, 1960, the transient period that you were with me. 一九六零年四月十六号下午三点之前的一分钟你和我在一起,因为你我会记住这一分钟。 It has become an irreversible fact that we did become friends as the minute had elapsed despite its evanescence. 从现在开始我们就是一分钟的朋友,这是事实,你改变不了,因为已经过去了。
I might have been consigned to his oblivion, or might not, but I would bear him in mind and always. 不知道他有没有因为我而记住那一分钟,但我一直都记住这个人。 So there I was, in my mother's house, but she would never nod to meet me. Her maid told me that mother did not belong here any more, but to me, that was sheer pretext. 我终于来到亲生母亲的家了,但是她不肯见我,佣人说她已经不住这里了。 Upon leaving, I intuitively felt the gaze of someone fixed on my back, but stony enough, I never turned back. 当我离开这房子的时候,我知道身后有一双眼睛盯着我,但我是一定不会回头的。 Since the one who gave me birth frustrated my pining for just a look at her face, my revenge was to leave without ever looking back. 我只不过想见见她,看看她的样子,既然她不给我机会,我也一定不会给她机会。
Twilight is approaching, foreshadowing a nice day. What will the sunset be like has become another wonder of mine. 天开始亮了,今天的天气看上去不错,不知道今天的日落会是怎么样的呢? I have forecasted that I wouldn't figure out which woman on this planet was I devoted to even till the very last minute of my life, but I start wondering what she was busy with at the moment. 我曾经说过不到最后一刻我也不会知道最喜欢的女人是谁,不知道她现在在干什么呢?
王筝经典语录小楼经典语录黄碧云经典语录郁达夫经典语录展开全部其实心一静, 心也跟着空。——李宫俊(原创)如果你想我,我可以去找你。——李宫俊(原创)想念有个别名,叫自捅千刀。——李宫俊(原创)明明在喜欢你之前过的很好。——李宫俊(原...
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李宫俊经典语录沐清雨经典语录梁晓声语录闾丘露薇经典语录展开全部 我需要你,当你需要我的时候。——李宫俊(原创)你不爱我,所以我要去爱别人。——李宫俊(原创)其实爱情,通常在分手后开始。——李宫俊(原创)我不想幸福,我就想当第三者。——...
阿甘正传的经典台词英文20句1. Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料) 2. There is an awful lot you can tell about a per...
经典英文电影中的经典的英文对白最好是阿甘正传1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为...
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